我找不到详细的文档,也没有浏览源代码的感觉.例如,如果 Tesseract 引擎已经完成了精明的边缘检测,我不想重做.
I couldn't find a detailed documentation and I don't feel browsing the source code. I want not to redo canny edge detection for example if it is already done by Tesseract engine.
This document provides an overview of the engine: https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/docs/blob/master/tesseracticdar2007.pdf
So it looks like you don't need to implement canny edge detection.
Tesseract 在处理之前使用 Otsu 阈值对图像进行二值化 https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/blob/master/ccstruct/otsuthr.h
Tesseract uses Otsu thresholding to binarize the image before processing it https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/blob/master/ccstruct/otsuthr.h
如果您想查看二值化图像,只需在\tessdata\configs\"中创建一个新的配置文件,添加以下行:tessedit_write_images True
并处理您的图像:tesseractyour_image out your_config_file
.Tesseract 将二值化图像保存为 tessinput.tif
If you want to see the binarized image just create a new config file in "\tessdata\configs\", add this line: tessedit_write_images True
and process your image: tesseract your_image out your_config_file
. Tesseract saves the binarized image as tessinput.tif
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