


Each java application will run in a specific Java Virtual Machine Instance. I am really getting confused on below aspects and Googling has confused me even more. Different articles on different sites.

  1. 如果我有一个用java编写的Web服务,它将需要一个JVM实例来运行。所以是否可以将JVM作为守护进程?

  1. If I have a web service written in java it will need a JVM instance to run.So can JVM be made a daemon process?


If yes when we run any other java application it will use this instance of JVM or create a new one?


Main memory available in any machine is constant. When we start n java processes simultaneously without providing any initial heap size how is the heap size distributed among processes?


Is there any process that manages n number of JVM instances or is it managed by OS itself?


When stop-the-world happens during an GC are other JVM instances(different threads I assume) affected?


是的它可以。如何完成取决于O / S和Web服务器容器本身。

Yes it can. How it is done depends on the O/S and on the web server container itself.


No. Each Java application uses an independent JVM.

每个JVM都是一个单独的进程,这意味着没有堆栈,堆等共享。 (通常,可以共享的唯一内容是包含核心JVM和本机库代码的只读段......与正常流程可能共享代码段的方式相同。)

Each JVM is a separate process, and that means there is no sharing of stacks, heaps, etcetera. (Generally, the only things that might be shared are the read only segments that hold the code of the core JVM and native libraries ... in the same way that normal processes might share code segments.)

决定如何如果不指定大小,则生成堆的大小取决于您使用的JVM /平台/版本,以及您是使用客户端还是服务器模型(对于Hotspot JVM)。启发式算法没有考虑其他JVM的数量或大小。

The mechanism for deciding how big to make the heap if you don't specify a size depends on the JVM / platform / version you are using, and whether you using the "client" or "server" model (for Hotspot JVMs). The heuristic doesn't take account of the number or size of other JVMs.



In practice, you would probably be better off specifying the heap size directly.

两者都没有。 JVM实例的数量由可以启动进程的各种操作决定;例如守护程序脚本,命令脚本,用户在命令行键入命令,等等。最终,如果资源耗尽,操作系统可能会拒绝启动任何更多进程,但JVM与其他进程的处理方式不同。

Neither. The number of JVM instances is determined by the actions of various things that can start processes; e.g. daemons scripts, command scripts, users typing commands at the command line, etcetera. Ultimately, the OS may refuse to start any more processes if it runs out of resources, but JVMs are not treated any different to other processes.

否。 JVM是独立的进程。他们不共享任何可变状态。垃圾收集在每个JVM上独立运行。

No. The JVMs are independent processes. They don't share any mutable state. Garbage collection operates on each JVM independently.


07-23 01:42