本文介绍了在 Scala 中引导 Web 服务器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用 Python 可以实现以下功能:

The following is possible using Python:

$ apt-get install python
$ easy_install Flask
$ cat > hello.py
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python hello.py

让网络服务器运行的 4 个命令和 7 行代码确实令人印象深刻.

4 commands and 7 lines of code to get a web server running is very impressive indeed.

Scala 的等价物是什么?

What's the Scala equivalent?


这里使用了 JDK6 内置的 HttpServer 类.随时提出改进建议,我是 Scala 的新手.

This uses the HttpServer class that is built-in in JDK6. Feel free to suggest improvements, I'm new to Scala.

package org.test.simplehttpserver

import java.net.InetSocketAddress
import com.sun.net.httpserver.{HttpExchange, HttpHandler, HttpServer}
import collection.mutable.HashMap

abstract class SimpleHttpServerBase(val socketAddress: String = "",
                                    val port: Int = 8080,
                                    val backlog: Int = 0) extends HttpHandler {
  private val address = new InetSocketAddress(socketAddress, port)
  private val server = HttpServer.create(address, backlog)
  server.createContext("/", this)

  def redirect(url: String) =
          <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content={"0," + url}/>
        You are being redirected to:
        <a href={url}>

  def respond(exchange: HttpExchange, code: Int = 200, body: String = "") {
    val bytes = body.getBytes
    exchange.sendResponseHeaders(code, bytes.size)

  def start() = server.start()

  def stop(delay: Int = 1) = server.stop(delay)

abstract class SimpleHttpServer extends SimpleHttpServerBase {
  private val mappings = new HashMap[String, () => Any]

  def get(path: String)(action: => Any) = mappings += path -> (() => action)

  def handle(exchange: HttpExchange) = mappings.get(exchange.getRequestURI.getPath) match {
    case None => respond(exchange, 404)
    case Some(action) => try {
      respond(exchange, 200, action().toString)
    } catch {
      case ex: Exception => respond(exchange, 500, ex.toString)

class HelloApp extends SimpleHttpServer {
  var count = 0

  get("/") {
    "There's nothing here"

  get("/hello") {
    "Hello, world!"

  get("/markup") {
        <title>Test Title</title>
        Test Body

  def countPage = <html>
      <title>Test Title</title>
      {count}<a href="/increaseCount">++</a>
      <a href="/decreaseCount">--</a>
      <a href="/resetCount">Reset</a>

  get("/count") {

  get("/resetCount") {
    count = 0

  get("/increaseCount") {
    count = count + 1

  get("/decreaseCount") {
    count = count - 1

  get("/error") {
    throw new RuntimeException("Bad bad error occurred")

object Main {

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val server = new HelloApp()

这篇关于在 Scala 中引导 Web 服务器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 16:08