

我是Tor的新手,我觉得应该考虑多个Tor.我在这里提到的多个tor不仅是多个实例,而且每个实例都使用不同的代理端口,就像这里所做的一样 http://www.howtoforge.com/ultimate-security-proxy-with-tor )

我正在尝试从4 Tors开始.但是,本教程仅适用于Arch Linux,并且我使用的是无头EC2 ubuntu 64位.遍历Arch和Ubuntu之间的差异真的很痛苦.我想知道这里是否有人可以提供一些帮助来简化我的想法.

  1. 四个Tor同时运行,每个Tor具有一个单独的端口,privoxy或polipo,或者一旦工作就可以了.喜欢:8118<-Privoxy<-TOR<-90508129<-Privoxy<-TOR<-91508230<-Privoxy<-TOR<-92508321<-Privoxy<-TOR<-9350

  2. 这样,如果我尝试返回127.0.0.1:8118、8129、8230和8321的ip,它们应该返回四个不同的ip,这表示有四个不同的Tor同时运行.然后,几分钟后,再次检查,所有四个都应重新设置一个新的ips.



http://blog.databigbang.com/distributed-scraping-with-multiple- tor-circuits/ https://www.torservers.net/wiki/setup/server#multiple_tor_processes 最好,

顺便说一句,如果我跑步 $ ps -A | grep 'tor'我在那里有几个实例,但是带有?"在tty列下,这是什么意思,因为我知道tty表示终端?




SocksPort 9050
ControlPort 9051
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor


SocksPort 9060
ControlPort 9061
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor1


SocksPort 9062
ControlPort 9063
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor2




DataDirectory d1


tor -f /etc/tor/torrc.1
tor -f /etc/tor/torrc.2



I am brand new to Tor and I feel like multiple Tors should be considered. The multiple tors I mentioned here are not only multiple instances, but also using different proxy ports for each, like what has been done herehttp://www.howtoforge.com/ultimate-security-proxy-with-tor)

I am trying to get started with 4 Tors. However, the tutorial applies only to Arch Linux and I am using a headless EC2 ubuntu 64bits. It is really a pain going through the differences between Arch and Ubuntu. And here I am wondering is there anyone could offer some help to implement my idea simplicitly.

  1. Four Tors running at the same time each with an individual port, privoxy or polipo or whatever are ok once it works.Like:8118 <- Privoxy <- TOR <- 90508129 <- Privoxy <- TOR <- 91508230 <- Privoxy <- TOR <- 92508321 <- Privoxy <- TOR <- 9350

  2. In this way, if I try to return the ip of, 8129, 8230 and 8321, they should return four different ips, which indicates there are four different Tors running at the same time. Then, a few minutes later, check again, all four of them should have a new ips again.

I know my simple 'dream' could come true in many ways, however... I am not only new to Tor, but even also to bash and python... That is why I come here and see whether some of you could light me up.

These links might be useful:


btw, if I run $ ps -A | grep 'tor'i have several instances there, however with "?" under the tty column, what does that mean since I know tty means terminals?


Create four torrc files, say /etc/tor/torrc.1 to .4.

In each file, edit the lines:

SocksPort 9050
ControlPort 9051
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor

to use different resources for each torrc file, e.g. for for torrc.1:

SocksPort 9060
ControlPort 9061
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor1

for torrc.2,

SocksPort 9062
ControlPort 9063
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor2

and so on.

A configuration file containing only the above lines will work: you can delete every other line from the default template if you feel like it.

DataDirectory can also be relative to the current directory where tor is launched, e.g.:

DataDirectory d1

Then start tor like this:

tor -f /etc/tor/torrc.1
tor -f /etc/tor/torrc.2

and so on for the other two files.

This will create four different Socks5 servers on the four ports. Each one will open a different circuit, which is what you want.


08-13 19:00