

我在卫星轨道的以地球为中心的惯性坐标(ECI)中具有位置(x,y,z)和速度(Vx,Vy,Vz)向量,最终希望以大地坐标(纬度,经度, & Altitude)。

I have position (x,y,z) and velocity (Vx,Vy,Vz) vectors in Earth Centered Inertial Coordinates (ECI) for a satellite orbit, and ultimately want to end up with geodetic coordinates (Latitude, Longitude, & Altitude).

根据此,看来我需要转换为以地心固定地球(ECEF)坐标作为中间步骤(因此ECI-> ECEF- -> Lat / Lon / Alt)。

According to this other Stack Overflow question it seems that I need to convert to Earth Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) coordinates as an intermediate step (so ECI --> ECEF --> Lat/Lon/Alt).


I know ECI and ECEF share the same origin point (the center of mass of Earth) and the same z-axis that points to the North Pole. However, I am not sure what actual equations or adjustments I need to do to convert ECI to ECEF.

否则,如果有人知道Astropy或类似内容的任何固定转换那会更好。 (我还没有将ECI视为Astro Py或Space Py的选择)。

Otherwise, if anyone knows of any canned conversions on Astropy or something similar that would be even better. (I haven't seen ECI as an option on Astro Py or Space Py).


Here is the code I am using to generate my orbit and get the position and velocity vectors.

from scipy.constants import kilo
import orbital
from orbital import earth, KeplerianElements, Maneuver, plot, utilities
from orbital.utilities import Position, Velocity
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

orbitPineapple = KeplerianElements.with_period(5760, body=earth,
e=0.05, i=(np.deg2rad(0)), arg_pe=(np.deg2rad(30)))

Position(x = 5713846.540659178,y = 3298890.8383577876,z = 0.0)
Velocity(x = -3982.305479346745,y = 6897.555421488496,z = 0.0)

Out:Position(x=5713846.540659178, y=3298890.8383577876, z=0.0)Velocity(x=-3982.305479346745, y=6897.555421488496, z=0.0)



There are a number of different Earth Centered Inertial frames, and the answer depends on which one you have your coordinates in.


The most common is so-called J2000; which is defined w.r.t to the orientation of the Earth on Jan 1st 2000. Another common one is GCRF, which is almost the same (to within 80 milli arcseconds).

如果是这两者之一,则应该能够创建一个令人难以置信的 EarthLocation 对象并访问 lat lon height 这样的属性

If it’s either of those two, you should be able to create an astropy EarthLocation object and access the lat, lon and height attributes like so

from astropy import coordinates as coord
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.time import Time
now = Time('2017-09-27 12:22:00')
# position of satellite in GCRS or J20000 ECI:
cartrep = coord.CartesianRepresentation(x=5713846.540659178,
                                        z=0., unit=u.m)
gcrs = coord.GCRS(cartrep, obstime=now)
itrs = gcrs.transform_to(coord.ITRS(obstime=now))
loc = coord.EarthLocation(*itrs.cartesian.cartrep )
print(loc.lat, loc.lon, loc.height)


07-13 19:45