


It's become quite a drag to manually drag the contents of each .jar my API depends on into my compiled .jar so it will work properly, and I was wondering if there was any functionality for maven to automatically extract the .class files of the dependencies and add them to the .jar file it compiles, this would make life so much simpler, especially when doing numerous builds for testing. When I have to open my .jar as a .zip, and drop in the sources 5-10 times a minute when trying to fix a bug, it gets really annoying, really quickly.

我已经对此进行了大量的搜索,但是我什么也没发现,只有一堆链接说明了如何向Maven添加依赖项,但是没有向Maven构建中添加依赖项的内容. /p>

I've done quite a bit of googling on this, but I've found nothing, just a bunch of links explaining how to add dependencies to maven, but nothing on adding the contents of a dependency to a maven build.


使用maven shade插件创建一个"Uber" Jar,其中包含JAR中pom中定义的依赖项.

Use the maven shade plugin to create an "Uber" Jar that contains the dependencies defined in the pom within your JAR

http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven- shade-plugin/index.html


07-22 07:41