本文介绍了Raspberry Pi 2 / Windows 10 IoT - 电源图标不起作用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚在Raspberry Pi 2上安装了Windows 10 IoT。我使用了两种不同的10级micro SD卡 - 一个8 GB的San Disk和一个16 GB的San Disk。我对两者都有同样的问题。首先,屏幕右上角的电源图标不起作用,它是灰色的
而不是白色,当我点击它时什么都不做。第二,我在"设置"下的唯一选择。是语言的选择。这是正常的吗?我希望不是,这是一个糟糕的选择。三,WiFi驱动程序仍然不可用?它无法识别我的Edimax EW-7811Un

I just installed Windows 10 IoT on my Raspberry Pi 2. I have used two different class 10 micro SD cards -- an 8 GB San Disk and a 16 GB San Disk. I have the same issue on both. First, the power icon in the upper right of the screen doesn't work, it's grey instead of white and does nothing when I click it. Second, my only option under "Settings" is the choice of language. Is that normal? I hope not, what a lousy selection. Third, are WiFi drivers still unavailable? It doesn't recognize my Edimax EW-7811Un WiFi dongle. Why have a tutorial installed on the OS on how to install WiFi if the drivers aren't even ready? They could have just saved the tutorial for a future update with the drivers themselves. 


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08-24 16:48