本文介绍了C ++ Builder与Delphi与MFC的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am learning MFC and find it not that easy to use.

我听说过很多有关Delphi的信息.对Delphi的研究使我进入了C ++ Builder.

I've heard a lot about Delphi . researching on Delphi lead me to C++ Builder.

C ++ Builder是否提供了C ++/MFC的替代品?C ++ Builder比MFC更好吗?C ++ Builder是否比Delphi更好? (我听说过有关Delphi的许多令人毛骨悚然的事情)

does C++ Builder offer a serious and good alternative to C++/MFC ?is C++ Builder better than MFC ?is C++ Builder better than Delphi ? (I've heard many goood things about Delphi)

谁能给我C ++/MFC,Delphi和C ++ Builder之间的比较?

can any one give me a comparison between C++/MFC, Delphi and C++ Builder ?




I'd suggest you go Delphi.


  • 语法明智,它非常容易阅读.您知道C ++使您使用奇怪的变量等来编写神秘的"和神秘的"代码.地狱! C ++的一半以"__"为前缀

  • Syntax wise it is very easy and readable. You know C++ makes you write "cryptic" and "mystic" code with strange variables and such. Hell! half of c++ is prefixed with "__"

性能几乎与C ++应用程序相同.如果您不使用VCL,则它应该是相同的.但是没有VCL的Delphi是什么.

Performance is almost the same as a C++ application. If you don't use VCL then it should be the same. But what's Delphi without VCL.

-Native--应用程序.这绝对意味着没有什么可担心的,没有框架,也没有运行时. (您仍然可以使用运行时程序包来构建应用程序)

--Native-- applications. Which means absolutely nothing else to worry about, no frameworkss, no runtimes. (You can still build an app with runtime packages tho)


Database connectivity is aswell one of it's strong points... very strong one


Powerfull visual designer you can build almost all of your application's interface at design-time.


哦,总结一下,Delphi可以使C ++/C#/C等实现一切.除了设备驱动程序之外,因此,如果您不打算为打印机或其他工具编写驱动程序,那么该怎么办?

Oh and to conclude, Delphi can make everything C++/C#/C etc can. EXCEPT device drivers, so if you don't plan to write drivers for a printer or something Delphi is the way to go.

这篇关于C ++ Builder与Delphi与MFC的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 16:35