

我收到使用执行opendir / readdir的一个类似Linux系统中的文件列表。看来,目录项的文件名的字母顺序返回。不过,我没有看到关于此订单所保证的手册页事情。

I'm getting a list of files on a linux-like system using opendir/readdir. It appears that the directory entries are returned in alphabetical order of file name. However, I don't see anything in the man pages about this order being guaranteed.

谁能告诉我是否不READDIR guarrantees订单?

Can anyone tell me whether or not readdir guarrantees an order?


READDIR 方法不保证任何顺序。如果你想确保他们按字母顺序排序,你需要这样做自己。

The readdir method doesn't guarantee any ordering. If you want to ensure they are sorted alphabetically you'll need to do so yourself.


Note: I searched for a bit for definitive documentation saying this is the case. The closest I came is the following link


It's by no means definitive but it does give a nice overview of the command, it's history and how it's implementation is typically traversal order.


07-13 12:57