

Chrome 67已启用网站隔离在Windows,Mac,Linux和Chrome操作系统上运行,可将内存使用率提高10-13%,并为Web开发人员带来一些问题:

Chrome 67 has enabled Site Isolation on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS, which increases memory usage by 10-13% and introduces some problems for web developers:

  • 整页多帧布局不再同步,因为页面的帧可能分布在多个进程中,
  • beforeunload 事件处理程序在跨站点子帧中不起作用,并且 unload 事件处理程序可能与 postMessage
  • 有问题
  • DevTools的网络"面板不显示跨站点子资源请求的cookie和其他请求标头.
  • Full-page multi-frame layout is no longer synchronous, since the frames of a page may be spread across multiple processes,
  • beforeunload event handlers are not working in cross-site subframes and unload event handlers may have issues with postMessage,
  • DevTools' Network panel does not show cookies and other request headers for cross-site subresource requests.


I want to save RAM more than extra security. How to disable Site Isolation?


根据 docs ,您可以通过添加Chrome命令行开关来禁用网站隔离:

According to the docs, you can disable Site Isolation by adding Chrome command line switch:

chrome.exe --disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process

另一种方法是转到 chrome://flags/#site-isolation-trial-opt-out 并选择 Opt out .

Another way is to go to chrome://flags/#site-isolation-trial-opt-out and select Opt out.

在Chrome 68+中,您可以转到 chrome://process-internals 以验证是否已禁用网站隔离".

In Chrome 68+, you can go to chrome://process-internals to verify that Site Isolation is disabled.


08-04 02:09