


It seems as though my gap detection is just picking up whatever I set as the timedifference and doing it every interval based on that.


So here's an explanation of my data structure and what I'm after:


I have a database that's set up like this:

(Schema Name)
     -CID      int UQ AI NN
     -ID       Int PK
     -Location Varchar(255)
     -Status   Varchar(255)
     -Time     datetime

我的数据看起来像这样(例如所选 ID 的 5 行)

My data comes in looking something like this (example 5 rows for selected ID)

 433275 | 97  | MyLocation | OK | 2013-08-20 13:05:54
 433275 | 97  | MyLocation | OK | 2013-08-20 13:00:54
 433275 | 97  | MyLocation | OK | 2013-08-20 12:25:54
 433275 | 97  | MyLocation | OK | 2013-08-20 12:20:54
 433275 | 97  | MyLocation | OK | 2013-08-20 12:15:54

在上面的例子中,您会注意到我丢失了 ID 97 从 12:25:54 -> 13:00 的数据.我正在尝试编写一份报告,告诉我:停机时间开始,持续时间停机时间和停机时间结束(我一直在 php 中通过将 timediff 添加到时间来处理)

In the case above you'll notice that I'm missing data from 12:25:54 -> 13:00 for ID 97. I am trying to write a report that will tell me the: Start of downtime, Duration of DownTime, and End of Downtime (which I've been handling in php by adding timediff to Time)

这是我现在的代码(php -> mysql)(不工作):

Here's my code (php -> mysql) (non-working) as it stands now:

        select *from (
            TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, @prevDT, `Time`) AS timedifference,
            @prevDT := `Time`
            FROM ddHistorical y,
            (SELECT @prevDT:=(SELECT MIN(`Time`) FROM ddHistorical)) vars
            Where ID  = '". mysql_real_escape_string($ID)."'
            HAVING timedifference > 16
          ) s
          order by Time desc
          Limit 25";



    SELECT  y.*,
            TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, @prevDT, `Time`) AS timedifference,
            @prevDT := `Time`
            FROM (SELECT *
                  FROM ddHistorical
                  WHERE ID = '97'
                  ORDER BY `Time`) y,
                 (SELECT @prevDT:=(SELECT MIN(`Time`) FROM ddHistorical)) vars) z
WHERE timedifference > 16

我实际上不确定为什么需要最外层.我尝试不使用它(即以 SELECT y.* 开头)并使用 HAVING timedifference >16.出于某种原因,这报告了 timedifference = 45 的单行.但是如果我删除那个 HAVING 子句,它会显示所有行,报告的间隔为 35 分钟.通常,

I'm actually not sure why the outermost level is needed. I tried without it (i.e. starting with SELECT y.*) and using HAVING timedifference > 16. For some reason, this reported a single row with timedifference = 45. But if I removed that HAVING clause, it showed all the rows, with the gap reported as 35 minutes. Usually, there's no difference between

SELECT ... HAVING <cond>



I'm not sure why this query violates the rule -- I suspect it has something to do with the user-variables.

我想我已经弄清楚为什么它不能与 HAVING 一起使用了.MySQL 显然在计算每一行的 timedifference 列后立即评估该条件,并丢弃该行.当 timedifference 时,它不会计算 SELECT 子句中的其余列,因此它从不计算 @prevDT := Time.因此,在超过该条件之前,它始终与 MIN(Time) 进行比较.

I think I've figured out why it didn't work with HAVING. MySQL is apparently evaluating that condition as soon as it calculates the timedifference column for each row, and discarding the row. When timedifference <= 16, it doesn't bother calculating the rest of the columns in the SELECT clause, so it never does @prevDT := Time. So until it gets past that condition, it's always comparing with MIN(Time).

timedifference 检查移到外部查询中会强制它在过滤之前计算所有差异.

Moving the timedifference check into an outer query forces it to calculate all the differences before filtering.



07-13 10:28