本文介绍了从Google Cloud Firestore还原到Datastore的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I signed up for Firebase to use the new Firestore.

试用之后,我决定,对于我的用例(主要是服务器工具),我不需要Firestore的大多数功能,这些功能非常着重于构建用户界面,并且我发现旧的Datastore SDK更好我在做什么.

After trying it out I decided that, for my use cases (mostly server tools) I don't need most of the features of Firestore, that are very much focused on building user interfaces, and I find the old Datastore SDKs nicer for what I'm doing.


I know I could simply delete the project and create a new one but I have other things in that project that I would like to keep.


Can I revert to Datastore without starting a new project?


不幸的是,就像我们无法将使用Cloud Datastore的项目转换为Cloud Firestore一样,我们也无法做到相反.将来可能会这样,但今年肯定不会.

Unfortunately just as we cannot convert a project that has used Cloud Datastore to Cloud Firestore, we cannot do the reverse either. It might be possible in the future, but definitely not this year.

如前所述,重命名2个选项是:1)删除项目并使用Cloud Datastore创建一个新项目2)创建一个新项目并与该项目数据库对话.注意:如果您使用的是GAE标准SDK,则此方法将无效.

As noted, the renaming 2 options are:1) Delete the project and create a new one with Cloud Datastore2) Create a new project and talk to that projects database. Note: This won't work if you are using GAE Standard SDKs.

这篇关于从Google Cloud Firestore还原到Datastore的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-10 03:28