


This question is being already asked but i didn't understand the answer so I am again posting the question please do reply.


I have a weka model eg: j48 I have trained that model for my dataset and now I have to test the model with a single instance in which it should return the class label. How to do it?



1)When I am giving my test instance a,b,c,class for class as ?. It is showing problem evaluating classifier .train and test are not compatible


2)When I list all the class labels and I put the ? for the class label for the test instance like this:

@attribute class {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27}



It is not showing any results like this

=== Evaluation on test set ===
=== Summary ===

Total Number of Instances                0
Ignored Class Unknown Instances                  1

=== Detailed Accuracy By Class ===

               TP Rate   FP Rate   Precision   Recall  F-Measure  ROC Area  Class
                 0         0          0         0         0         ?        1
                 0         0          0         0         0         ?        2
                 0         0          0         0         0         ?        3
Weighted Avg.  NaN       NaN        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN





Given the incomplete information from the OP, here is what probably happened:


  1. Weka GUI选择器
  2. 选择了 Weka Explorer
  3. 预处理标签
  4. 上加载了训练数据
  5. 选择了分类标签
  6. 选择了 J48 分类器
  7. 在测试选项下选择了提供的测试集,并提供了上述测试集
  8. 点击了开始
  1. the Weka GUI Chooser
  2. selected the Weka Explorer
  3. loaded your training data on the Preprocess tab
  4. selected the Classify tab
  5. selected the J48 classifier
  6. selected Supplied test set under test options and supplied your aforementioned test set
  7. clicked on Start



"Evaluation on test set" should have given it away, because you're are evaluating the classifier -or better: the trained model. But for evaluation, you need to compare the predicted class with the actual class, which you didn't supply. Hence, the instance with the missing class label will be ignored.

由于没有其他带有类标签的测试实例,因此混淆矩阵为空.根本没有足够的信息来构建一个. (并且要注意:仅一个实例的混淆矩阵是毫无价值的.)

Since you don't have any other test instances WITH class label, the confusion matrix is empty. There simply is not enough information available to build one. (And just as a side note: A confusion matrix for only one instance is kinda worthless.)

您必须转到更多选项... ,点击输出预测旁边的选择,然后选择一种输出格式,例如 PlainText ,您会看到类似这样的内容:

You have to go to More options ..., click on Choose next to Output predictions and select an output format, e.g. PlainText, and you will see something like:

inst#     actual  predicted error prediction
    1        1:?        1:0       0.757
    2        1:?        1:0       0.824
    3        1:?        1:0       0.807
    4        1:?        1:0       0.807
    5        1:?        1:0       0.79
    6        1:?        2:1       0.661


This output lists the classified instances in the order they occur in the test file. This example was taken from the Weka site about "Making predictions" with the following explanation.


08-13 18:42