好吧,尝试将绒毛保持在最低限度。首先我们是新来的微风。我们有一个创建数据库优先实体框架的项目。使用SPA方法进行离线网页与AngularJS / BreezeJS组合。 Angular似乎工作正常,如实体框架EDMX文件已经存在。
Okay going to try to keep the fluff to a minimum. First we are new to Breeze. We have a project where the "Database First" Entity Framework was created. Using the SPA approach for offline webpage with AngularJS/BreezeJS combination. Angular seems to be working fine and as stated the Entity Framework EDMX file already exists.
Can I connect Breeze.Net to our Entity Framework and if so are there any examples of this specifically the Server side connection part? But the full example would be best. aka Entity Framework to Breeze.Net to BreezeJS
If I cannot connect Breeze to my Entity Framework, can I do a "Database First" Breeze.Net approach and if yes is there an example of how to do this?
微风文档包括,包括最基本的示例。在这些示例中,DocCode具有最复杂的.NET Web API / EF变体(您可以从前端从Knockout转换为Angular)。
Breeze documentation includes many pertinent samples including the most basic Angular Todo sample. Among the samples, "DocCode" has the most sophisticated .NET Web API / EF variations (you can mentally translate from Knockout to Angular for the front-end).
You can download or clone them all from github.
大多数(如果不是全部)EF样本依赖于代码优先模型,但您应该没有遇到 DbContext
生成的DB First(或与一个老式的 ObjectContext
Most (if not all) EF samples rely on a code-first model but you should have no trouble with a DbContext
generated "DB First" (or with an old-school ObjectContext