


What is the internal operation that allows nvidia-smi fetch the hardware level details? The tool executes even when some process is already running on the GPU device and gets the utilization details, name and id of the process etc. Is it possible to develop such a tool at the user level? How is NVML related?


Nvidia-smi是 NVML .您可以借助 Tesla部署工具包中包含的SDK使用NVML进行编码.

Nvidia-smi is a thin wrapper around NVML. You can code with NVML with help of SDK contained in Tesla Deployment Kit.

nvidia-smi可以完成的所有操作都可以直接从C库NVML中查询.如果您需要在某种类型的应用程序中查询此数据,那么最好使用NVML编写(而不是解析nvidia-smi stdout(过去更改过格式))(可能更容易).

Everything that can be done with nvidia-smi can be queried straight from the C library NVML. If you need to query this data in an app of some sort, it's better (and probably easier) to write against NVML instead of parse nvidia-smi stdout (which format changed in the past).

还有 python 和绑定.因此,您可以使用比C更高级的编程语言.

There are also python and perl bindings for NVML library. So you can use higher level programming langugage than C.


07-13 07:35