I understand that complete GPUs are behemoths of computing - including every step of calculation, and memory. So obviously a GPU can compute whatever we want - it's Turing complete.
My question is in regard to a single shader on various GPUs ("Stream Processor"/"CUDA Core"):
Is it Turing complete?
Can I (in theory) compute an arbitrary function over arbitrary inputs by using a single shader?
I'm trying to understand at what "scale" of computation shaders live.
Did You mean shader as a program used to compute shading?
On wiki talk I found:
Shader模型3.0,可在最新的PC硬件和更高版本中使用Xbox 360,具有完全常规的循环功能,并且图灵完整从理论上讲.这很好地突出了区别在理论与实践之间!当人们声称设备是图灵完整,实际上,它们的意思是如果有无限的时间,并且无限存储,那将是图灵完整的".着色器模型3.0寄存器空间和程序指令仍然非常有限计数,因此在进行任何现实世界的测试时,它都将严重失败.
Shader model 3.0, which is used in the latest PC hardware and onXbox 360, has fully general looping abilities and is Turing completein the theoretical sense. This rather nicely highlights the differencebetween theory and practice, though! When people claim a device isTuring complete, what they actually mean is "if this had infinite timeand infinite storage, it would be Turing complete". Shader model 3.0is still extremely limited in register space and program instructioncount, so it fails rather badly when put to any real world test.
Note that even shader 1.x can become Turing complete if you allowmultiple passes of rendering operations. For instance it is trivial toimplement the Game of Life using repeated render-to-textureoperations. In this case the input and output textures provide a largeamount of storage space, and the repeated render calls fills in forthe missing iteration constructs. This is cheating, though, because itis depending on the CPU to issue the render calls!
as an example of non-turing-complete languages:Wikipedia Page on non-turing-complete Shaders
通常它取决于着色器语言(和您的Turing-complete要求),但是我认为大多数最新的着色器语言可以称为Turing complete(如果我们忽略有限内存的任何限制),因为它们可以循环并读取/写入变量
Generally it depends on shader language (and Your Turing-complete requirements), but I think that most recent shader languages can be called Turing complete (if we ignore any limitations of finite memory) bacause they can loop and read/write variables.
如果我误解了您的问题,并且您将着色器称为着色器处理单元(如Cuda核心),那么我认为不应将图灵完整或不完整类别视为单个核心. GPU不仅建立在内核上.回答您的问题,您可以使用任意数量的cuda内核对GPU进行编程,以通过任意输入计算任意函数".
If I misunderstood Your question and You mean shader as shader processing unit (like Cuda core) then I think that single core should not be considered in category of Turing complete or not complete. GPU is not only built up on cores. Answering Your question you can program GPU with any number of cuda cores to "compute an arbitrary function over arbitrary inputs".