

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf([
        'tempDir' => __DIR__ . '/temp'
$mpdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0); // will set it to 0 for all pages.


Is it possible to have 0 margins for page 1 of a PDF page and default margins for the rest of pages of the document ?


I'm currently testing this with Version 7.0.


如果不需要页面1和其他页面的自动内容溢出,则可以使用 AddPageByArray() 方法:

If you do not need automatic content overflow for page 1 and other pages, you can use AddPageByArray() method:

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf([]);

    'margin-left' => 0,
    'margin-right' => 0,
    'margin-top' => 0,
    'margin-bottom' => 0,

$mpdf->WriteHTML($html1); // first page

    'margin-left' => '15mm',
    'margin-right' => '20mm',
    'margin-top' => '15mm',
    'margin-bottom' => '15mm',

$mpdf->WriteHTML($html2); // other pages

// All other pages will then have margins of the second `AddPageByArray()` call.


In a case of content overflow from the first page, the next, automatically created page will also have zero margins.

或者,您可以在构造函数中设置零页边距,并使用 <pagebreak> 伪HTML标记:

Alternatively, you can set zero margins in the constructor and reset margins for following pages using <pagebreak> pseudo-HTML tag:

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf([
    'margin_left' => 0,
    'margin_right' => 0,
    'margin_top' => 0,
    'margin_bottom' => 0,

$html = 'Content of the first page
    <pagebreak margin-left="15mm" margin-right="15mm" margin-top="15mm" margin-bottom="20mm">
 Other content';



07-13 03:27