


I have gone thorugh lot of multimedia stuff last week and now messed up in few questions.These are related to my work on Developing a Media Player.My questions below are based on that only.I am also looking out for ebook/resource on Multimedia codecs?


  1. 是什么容器,格式,$ C $立方厘米,分组之间的差异,
    帧?我相信这是容器 - >音频(流)+视频

流都设有codeD /德codeD使用codeCS
流 - >包
包 - >架

Streams are encoded/decoded using the codecsStreams -> Packets Packets -> Frames


(2) How the muxer,demuxer,coder,decoder ladder works?On which side which lies?

(3)当我们说一个新的codeC - 那是什么意思吗? - codeR /德codeR或一个新的文件format.AVI是codec或格式有我们使用的是codeC和文件格式之间的任何关系。

(3) When we say a new codec - What does that means? - Coder/decoder or a new file format.AVI is a codec or format?Is there any relation between the codec we are using and the file format.


(4)In what sense does one codec differs from another codec? Playing bit rate,size,quality,fps?

(5)如果我们正在开发一个新的codeC什么也有所不同 - ?为EN codeR和去codeR算法

(5) If we are developing a new codec what has to be different?- The Algorithm for encoder and decoder?


(6) Blu ray and DVD rip ? What are they new format?or new Codecs?

(7)如果我想为上述codeCS的支持我的媒体播放器将怎样整合各codeCS?在一些图书馆或直接来源$ C ​​$ C基准的形式?

(7) If I want to provide the support for the above Codecs in my media player how will I integrate the various Codecs?In the form of some libraries or direct source code reference?


(8)How does the different multimedia framework(Gstremaer,ffmpeg,stagefright, OpenCore) differs with respect to the codec.


Following is/are the links i have gone through :



Here's a free online resource to start with (full disclosure: I run the site :-) ): MultimediaWiki. Further, here is a document I wrote a long time ago which might help with a lot of your question: Multimedia Technology Basics. I'll try to answer your questions here.

1)一种容器格式(如AVI或QuickTime / MOV)普遍认为(含)的各种数据流,通常至少一个视频流和一个音频流。这些视频和音频流通常都设有用$ C $立方厘米,这是描述用于编码数据的更有效的方法的算法$ C $光盘。包和帧:有时候,视频或音频数据块被分成包或帧其codeC规范的定义,但是这往往要踏踏实实地semantics--分组,帧,块,他们都只是件。

1) A container format (like AVI or QuickTime/MOV) generally holds (contains) various streams, usually at least one video stream and one audio stream. These video and audio streams are usually encoded using a codec, which is an algorithm that describes a more efficient method for encoding data. Packets and frames: Sometimes, chunks of video or audio data is broken up into packets or frames as defined by their codec specifications, but this tends to get down to semantics-- packets, frames, chunks, they're all just pieces.

2)当你创建一个多媒体文件,您可以使用codeR算法EN code中的视频和音频数据,那么你用一个复用器把溪流汇集成一个文件(容器)。要播放的文件,解复用器需要拆开流并将其送入德codeRS获得视频和音频数据。

2) When you create a multimedia file, you use a coder algorithms to encode the video and audio data, then you use a muxer to put the streams together into a file (container). To play the file, a demuxer takes apart the streams and feeds them into decoders to obtain the video and audio data.

3)codeC意味着codeR /德codeR,并且是从容器格式使用一个单独的概念。许多容器格式可以容纳很多不同类型格式的(AVI和QuickTime / MOV都很一般)。其他格式被限制为一或两个媒体类型。

3) Codec means coder/decoder, and is a separate concept from the container format. Many container formats can hold lots of different types of format (AVI and QuickTime/MOV are very general). Other formats are restricted to one or two media types.

4)codeCS竞争的诸多因素,设计用于多种用途。其中一个最大的区别是有损与无损。如果您需要保留所有的原始资料,你选择了无损格式,但你不会得到最佳的COM pression。如果你能承受失去一些数据,你可以选择将牺牲(希望潜移默化的,人类)的信息以换取更大的COM pression有损格式。有些codeCS是为不同类型的数据,如语音codeCS即假定输入数据人类说话,或者屏幕视频codeCS,即假定输入视频是相对静态的电脑桌面会话优化。

4) Codecs compete on many factors and are designed for many purposes. One big difference is lossy vs. lossless. If you need to retain all the original information, you choose a lossless format, but you won't get the best compression. If you can afford to lose some data, you can choose a lossy format which will sacrifice (hopefully imperceptible, to humans) information in exchange for greater compression. Some codecs are optimized for different kinds of data, such as speech codecs which assume the input data is humans talking, or screen video codecs, which assume the input video is relatively static computer desktop sessions.


5) Creating a new codec would imply a new algorithm which would require a new encoder AND decoder.


6) I think these would count as containers. A DVD rip is likely to be something called an MPEG program stream (MPEG-PS), which would likely contain MPEG-2 video data and one of a few different audio types.

7)有很多图书馆玩这个东西。首先,你需要考虑你的平台(Windows,Mac OS X中的Linux,iOS版,Android等)。有每个相应的库和框架。

7) There are lots of libraries for playing this stuff. First and foremost, you need to consider your platform (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, Android, etc.). There are appropriate libraries and frameworks on each.


8) Again, many of those frameworks and libraries will probably serve your needs. It depends on your platform and licensing needs.

我希望这给了你一些帮助。正如你可以从我的处理看,我喜欢谈论这些东西。 : - )

I hope this has given you something to work with. As you can see from my handle, I love talking about this stuff. :-)


09-18 22:37