


Hi i developp an application and I would want to ask a question plz

在我的数据云Parse中,我有餐厅"类,我有三列:名称"类型字符串; "imageFile"类型文件; 描述"类型数组和位置"类型GeoPoint.

In my data cloud Parse , i have class " restaurants " i have three columns : " name " type string ; "imageFile" type file ; "description " type array and "Location" type GeoPoint.


I would want to know which method to use to get back current GeoPoint of the user?Then I would want to know how to compare GeoPoint of users and those of the restaurants to post(show) finally in TableView restaurants the closest to the user in kilometers.



To get the user's position, you can use the following function: PFGeoPoint.geoPointForCurrentLocationInBackground you would then create a query that uses the current location to find points that are near the user's location.


Code Example in Swift:

//Get the user's current location
PFGeoPoint.geoPointForCurrentLocationInBackground {
    (point:PFGeoPoint!, error:NSError!) -> Void in
    if error == nil {
        //Point contains the user's current point

        //Get a max of 100 of the restaurants that are within 5km,
        //ordered from nearest to furthest
        var query = PFQuery(className: "restaurants")
        query.limit = 100
        query.whereKey("location", nearGeoPoint: point, withinKilometers: 5.0)
            (objects: [AnyObject]!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
            if (error == nil) {
                //objects contains the restaurants


10-22 19:02