

由于某些原因,我需要使用256位的块大小来实现Rijndael de / compression,而不是使用块大小为128位的AES(原因:使用Rijndael ...在PHP中加密数据)。

For certain reasons I need to implement Rijndael de/compression with a blocksize of 256 bits instead of AES which uses a block size of 128 bits (reason: data is encrypted in PHP using Rijndael...).


How can I change the block-size for a cipher?

如果我只是得到一个密码与RIJNDAEL / CFB / PKCS5Padding并尝试初始化一个256位的IV我得到一个异常,因为块大小只有128位。

If i just get a cipher with "RIJNDAEL/CFB/PKCS5Padding" and try to initialize a IV with 256 bits I get an exception, because the block-size is only 128 bits.


任何Sun JCE提供程序都不支持除Rijndael之外的128位块大小:这是AES算法。要获得带有256位块大小的rijndael,你必须去别的地方。我建议库。 类具有一个构造函数,可接受块大小位。大多数人发现类在使用时更方便例如

There is no support in any of the Sun JCE providers for anything other than Rijndael with the 128-bit blocksize: this is AES algorithm. To get rijndael with the 256-bit blocksize you will have to go somewhere else. I suggest the Bouncycastle java library. The RijndaelEngine class has a constructor that accepts a block size in bits. Most people find the PaddedBufferedBlockCipher class to be more convenient when used with suitable padding, e.g.

PaddedBufferedBlockCipher c = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(new RijndaelEngine(256), new PKCS7Padding());


10-12 10:25