


My understanding is that static variables get put in the uninitialized variable section of the binary (the BSS section) and so those are safe to assume as being initialized to 0.


But I have a function defined in an unnamed namespace. Inside the function, there is a char array declared without being explicitly initialized to 0. Will this be auto-initialized to 0? What about variables not declared as static but defined in an unnamed namespace? And what about local variables of static functions?


函数局部变量不会自动初始化为零,函数是在匿名命名空间,静态,或任何。这是因为函数内部的局部变量不是静态变量。要使局部变量具有静态存储持续时间,必须使用 static 明确标记。

A function local variable will not be automatically initialized to zero, regardless of whether the function is in an anonymous namespace, static, or whatever. This is because the local variables inside a function are not static variables. To cause a local variable to have static storage duration you must explicitly mark it with static.

int foo; // static storage duration (because it's global) automatically zero-initialized

static int foo2; // static storage duration (because it's global) automatically zero-initialized. The static keyword just gives the name 'foo2' internal linkage and has nothing to do with static storage duration.

namespace {

    int foo; // static storage duration, automatically zero-initialized

    void bar() {
        int f; // local variable, not automatically zero-initialized

        static int g; // static storage duration (because of the keyword static), automatically zero-initialized


09-03 07:43