本文介绍了Ionic Capacitor Cordova插件无法在Android上将图像写入库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am trying to use cordova-plugin-document-scanner with Ionic Capacitor for Android, but after the image is captured and when image crop UI should be displayed, it just returns to the capture screen again. This is the issue on the github repo. This is what seems relevant in the logcat console:

2020-08-03 13:26:05.320 27707-27707 / si.test.app D / ViewRootImpl @ 9f2e8cd [ScanActivity]:中继返回:旧=(0,0,1080,2280)新=(0,0,1080,2280)req =(1080,2280)4 dur = 8 res = 0x1 s = {false 0} ch = false 2020-08-03 13:26:05.321 27707-27707 / si.test.app D / ViewRootImpl @ 9f2e8cd [ScanActivity]:已停止(false)old = true 2020-08-03 13:26:05.328 27707- 27707 / si.test.app W / System.err:java.io.FileNotFoundException:打开失败:ENOENT(没有这样的文件或目录)

2020-08-03 13:42:50.749 1278-1278 /? E / Util:writeImageDataToRequestedUri:无法建立目录或目录已存在。

2020-08-03 13:42:50.760 1278-1278 /? E / Util:writeImageDataToRequestedUri:由于outputStream IOException而返回。


  • 设备:Samsung Galaxy S10e

  • 操作系统:Android 10

  • @ capacitor / core:2.3.0

  • @ capacitor / android:2.3.0

  • cordova-plugin-document-scanner:4.2.5

  • Device: Samsung Galaxy S10e
  • OS: Android 10
  • @capacitor/core : 2.3.0
  • @capacitor/android: 2.3.0
  • cordova-plugin-document-scanner: 4.2.5


Is it possible, that Cordova and Capacitor have different paths to files on the device? Where could I fix that? Any help greatly appriciated :)


我在我的项目中使用Ionic 5和Capacitor实现了此功能。这是长代码。尝试此操作,也许可以为您提供帮助。

I implemented this in my project using Ionic 5 and Capacitor. It is long code. Try this and maybe help you.


npm install cordova-plugin-crop
npm install @ionic-native/crop

npm install cordova-plugin-ionic-webview
npm install @ionic-native/ionic-webview


Then create service file.ex: photo.service


Then add below code according to your case. I added my full code to here because it include all things.


getImageCam() -从相机获取图像>来源:CameraSource.Camera

getImageCam() - get image from camera > source: CameraSource.Camera


getImageGall() - get image from gallery > source: CameraSource.Photos

import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import {
} from "@capacitor/core";
import { Crop } from "@ionic-native/crop/ngx";
import { WebView } from "@ionic-native/ionic-webview/ngx";
//import { File } from "@ionic-native/file/ngx";

const { Camera, Filesystem, Storage } = Plugins;

  providedIn: "root",
export class PhotoService {
  newCapturedImg: any = null;
  ImgNameStart: any = "yourName";
  formDataImage: any;
  cropImage: CameraPhoto;

  constructor(private crop: Crop, private webview: WebView) {}

  public async getImageCam() {
    // Take a photo
    const capturedPhoto = await Camera.getPhoto({
      resultType: CameraResultType.Uri,
      source: CameraSource.Camera,
      quality: 100,
      // allowEditing: true,
      // height: 300,
      // width: 300


      .crop(capturedPhoto.path, {
        quality: 100,
        (newImage) => {
          this.newCapturedImg = this.webview.convertFileSrc(newImage);

          //console.log("new image path is: " + newImage);
          //console.log("new image webpath is: " + this.newCapturedImg);

          this.cropImage = {
            path: newImage,
            webPath: this.newCapturedImg,
            format: "jpeg",

          const savedImageFile =  this.savePicture(this.cropImage);
        (error) => console.error("Error cropping image", error)

  public async getImageGall() {
    // Take a photo
    const capturedPhoto = await Camera.getPhoto({
      resultType: CameraResultType.Uri,
      source: CameraSource.Photos,
      quality: 100,
      // allowEditing: true,
      // height: 300,
      // width: 300,

      .crop(capturedPhoto.path, {
        quality: 100,
        (newImage) => {
          this.newCapturedImg = this.webview.convertFileSrc(newImage);

          //console.log("new image path is: " + newImage);

          this.cropImage = {
            path: newImage,
            webPath: this.newCapturedImg,
            format: "jpeg",

          const savedImageFile = this.savePicture(this.cropImage);
        (error) => console.error("Error cropping image", error)


  private async savePicture(cameraPhoto: CameraPhoto) {
    const blobData = await this.readABlob(cameraPhoto);
    this.formDataImage = blobData;

  private async readABlob(cameraPhoto: CameraPhoto) {
    const response = await fetch(cameraPhoto.webPath!);
    const blob = await response.blob();
    console.log("blob --> ", blob);
    return blob;

  createFileName() {
    let d = new Date();
    let n = d.getTime();
    let newFileName = `${this.ImgNameStart + n}.jpg`;
    return newFileName;

interface Photo {
  filepath: string;
  webviewPath: string;
  base64?: string;


You can access service variable like this from any component.


import { PhotoService } from "../../services/photo.service";


  constructor(public photoService: PhotoService) {}


yourMethod() {
  this.photoService.getImageCam() // or getImageGall()

  let formDataImage = this.photoService.formDataImage;
  let imageName = this.photoService.createFileName();
  let urlToImageSrc = this.photoService.newCapturedImg;

这篇关于Ionic Capacitor Cordova插件无法在Android上将图像写入库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-12 11:32