

一般情况下, id 可以被实例化在类型(a - > b) - > a - > b 。

使用列表函子,我们有 fmap ::(a - > b) - > [a] - > [b] ,与 map 。

相同(( - >)r)函子(来自 Control.Monad.Instances ), fmap 是函数组合,因此我们可以实例化 fmap fmap fmap ::(a - > b) - > [[a]] - > [[b]] ,相当于(map。map)。

有趣的是, fmap 八次给了我们(map。map。map)!


pre $ code> 0:id = id
1:fmap = map
3:fmap fmap fmap =(map。map)
8:fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap =(map。map。map)

此模式是否继续?为什么/为什么不?是否有一个公式,我需要通过一个 n 时间嵌套列表映射一个函数多少个 fmap ?

我尝试编写一个测试脚本来搜索 n = 4 情况的解决方案,但GHC开始在40 fmap s。



假设 k> = 2 和 fmap ^( 4k)::(a - > b) - > F1 F2 F3 a - > F1 F2 F3 b ,其中 Fx 代表未知/任意 Functor 。 fmap ^ n 代表 fmap 应用于 n-1 fmap s,而不是 n - 折叠迭代。感应的开始可以通过手动查询或查询ghci。

  fmap ^(4k + 1)= fmap ^(4k)fmap 
fmap ::(x - > y) - > F4 x - > F4 y

与a - > b的统一产生 a = x - > y , b = F4 x - > F4 y ,所以

  fmap ^(4k + 1):: F1 F2 F3(x  - > y) - > F1 F2 F3(F4 x  - > F4 y)

现在,对于我们必须将 F1 F2 F3(x - > y)与(a - > b) - > F5 a - > F5 b 。

因此 F1 =( - >)(a - > b)和 F2 F3(x - > y)必须与 F5 a - > F5 b 。

因此 F2 =( - >)(F5 a)和 F3 (x→y)= F5b ,即 F5 = F3 并且 b = x - > ÿ。结果是:

  fmap ^(4k + 2):: F1 F2 F3(F4 x  - > F4 y)
=(a - >(x - > y)) - > F3a - > F3(F4 x - > F4 y)

对于 fmap ^(4k +3),我们必须统一 a - > (x - > y),其中(m - > n) - > F6 m - > F6 n),给出 a = m - > n ,

x = F6 m 和 y = F6 n ,所以

  fmap ^(4k + 3):: F3 a  - > F3(F4 x→F4 y)
= F3(m→n)→> F3(F4 F6 m - > F4 F6 n)

最后,我们必须统一 F3(m - > n)与(a - > b) - > F7 a - > F7 b ,所以 F3 =( - >)(a - > b), m = F7 a 和 n = F7 b ,因此

  fmap ^(4k + 4):: F3(F4 F6 m  - > F4 F6 n)
=(a - > b) - > (F4 F6 F7 a - > F4 F6 F7 b)


I was playing around with functors, and I noticed something interesting:

Trivially, id can be instantiated at the type (a -> b) -> a -> b.

With the list functor we have fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b], which is the same as map.

In the case of the ((->) r) functor (from Control.Monad.Instances), fmap is function composition, so we can instantiate fmap fmap fmap :: (a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]], which is equivalent to (map . map).

Interestingly, fmap eight times gives us (map . map . map)!

So we have

0: id = id
1: fmap = map
3: fmap fmap fmap = (map . map)
8: fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap = (map . map . map)

Does this pattern continue? Why/why not? Is there a formula for how many fmaps I need to map a function over an n-times nested list?

I tried writing a test script to search for a solution to the n = 4 case, but GHC starts eating too much memory at around 40 fmaps.


I can't explain why, but here's the proof of the cycle:

Assume k >= 2 and fmap^(4k) :: (a -> b) -> F1 F2 F3 a -> F1 F2 F3 b, where Fx stands for an unknown/arbitrary Functor. fmap^n stands for fmap applied to n-1 fmaps, not n-fold iteration. The induction's start can be verified by hand or querying ghci.

fmap^(4k+1) = fmap^(4k) fmap
fmap :: (x -> y) -> F4 x -> F4 y

unification with a -> b yields a = x -> y, b = F4 x -> F4 y, so

fmap^(4k+1) :: F1 F2 F3 (x -> y) -> F1 F2 F3 (F4 x -> F4 y)

Now, for fmap^(4k+2) we must unify F1 F2 F3 (x -> y) with (a -> b) -> F5 a -> F5 b.
Thus F1 = (->) (a -> b) and F2 F3 (x -> y) must be unified with F5 a -> F5 b.
Hence F2 = (->) (F5 a) and F3 (x -> y) = F5 b, i.e. F5 = F3 and b = x -> y. The result is

fmap^(4k+2) :: F1 F2 F3 (F4 x -> F4 y)
             = (a -> (x -> y)) -> F3 a -> F3 (F4 x -> F4 y)

For fmap^(4k+3), we must unify a -> (x -> y) with (m -> n) -> F6 m -> F6 n), giving a = m -> n,
x = F6 m and y = F6 n, so

fmap^(4k+3) :: F3 a -> F3 (F4 x -> F4 y)
             = F3 (m -> n) -> F3 (F4 F6 m -> F4 F6 n)

Finally, we must unify F3 (m -> n) with (a -> b) -> F7 a -> F7 b, so F3 = (->) (a -> b), m = F7 a and n = F7 b, therefore

fmap^(4k+4) :: F3 (F4 F6 m -> F4 F6 n)
             = (a -> b) -> (F4 F6 F7 a -> F4 F6 F7 b)

and the cycle is complete. Of course the result follows from querying ghci, but maybe the derivation sheds some light on how it works.


09-23 20:29