

我正在研究 Typeclassopedia 中有关函子的部分.

I am working through the section on Functors in the Typeclassopedia.


OK. So, functors appear pretty natural for inductive types like lists or trees.


Functors also appear pretty simple if the number of elements is fixed to a low number. For example, with Maybe you just have to be concerned about "Nothing" or "Just a" -- two things.


So, how would you make something like a graph, that could potentially have loops, an instance of Functor? I think a more generalized way to put it is, how do non-inductive types "fit into" Functors?

我思考的越多,我越意识到电感性/非电感性并不重要.归纳类型只是更容易来定义 fmap 用于...

The more I think about it, the more I realize that inductive / non-inductive doesn't really matter. Inductive types are just easier to define fmap for...


If I wanted to make a graph an instance of Functor, I would have to implement a graph traversal algorithm inside fmap; for example it would probably have to use a helper function that would keep track of the visited nodes. At this point, I am now wondering why bother defining it as a Functor instead of just writing this as a function itself? E.g. map vs fmap for lists...?


I hope someone with experience, war stories, and scars can shed some light. Thanks!



Well let's assume you define a graph like this

data Graph a = Node a [Graph a]

然后 fmap 正是按照您期望的那样定义的

Then fmap is just defined precisely as you would expect

instance Functor Graph where
  fmap f (Node a ns) = Node (f a) (map (fmap f) ns)


Now, if there's a loop then we'd have had to do something like

foo = Node 1 [bar]
bar = Node 2 [foo]

现在 fmap 足够懒惰,您可以在不强制执行其余计算的情况下评估其部分结果,因此它的工作原理与任何打结图表示法一样!

Now fmap is sufficiently lazy that you can evaluate part of it's result without forcing the rest of the computation, so it works just as well as any knot-tied graph representation would!

通常,这是窍门: fmap 是惰性的,因此您可以像对待Haskell中的任何非归纳值一样小心对待它的结果(:小心).

In general this is the trick: fmap is lazy so you can treat it's results just as you would treat any non-inductive values in Haskell (: carefully).

此外,您应该定义 fmap 与其他随机函数,因为

Also, you should define fmap vs the random other functions since

  1. fmap 是一个很好的,有规则的知名API
  2. 您的容器现在可以放置期望 Functor s
  3. 的东西了
  4. 您可以抽象出程序的其他位,以便它们依赖于 Functor ,而不是您的Graph
  1. fmap is a good, well known API with rules
  2. Your container now places well with things expecting Functors
  3. You can abstract away other bits of your program so they depend on Functor, not your Graph


In general when I see something is a functor I think "Ah wonderful, I know just how to use that" and when I see

superAwesomeTraversal :: (a -> b) -> Foo a -> Foo b


I get a little worried that this will do unexpected things..


09-23 06:48