

我期待code脚本,但我想知道我将如何让我们说从一个网站获得的数据(site1.com - 比方说在网页中只包含文本,例如:ABC123),我想另一个网站要能如果可能抢到一个PHP的格式,没有了iframe或任何此数据(site2.com)。

I am looking to code scripts, but I would like to know how would I let's say get data from one website (site1.com - let's say the page contains ONLY text, IE: abc123) and I want another website to be able to grab this data (site2.com) in a PHP format, no iframes or anything, if possible.

我会如何做这样?我想code API脚本一样,所以人们可以将其添加到他们的网站,并没有什么,例如;字符串发生器(site1.com将生成字符串,site2.com将能够使用的字符串中的PHP格式)

How would I go about doing such? I want to code API like scripts, so people can add them to their site and what not, for example; string generator (site1.com will generate the string, and site2.com will be able to use the string in a php format)

和我想学习的方式是一样的上面,还有一个办法,其中site2.com可以选择返回值的长度。像site1.com将设置明显的恢复,让我们说,如果想站点2 5数字组成的字符串,SITE1将生成字符串,只需在页面返回它(site1.com/gen?leng=5可以工作,但它的事得到它的网站上显示。)

And the way I would like to learn is the same as above, AND also a way where site2.com can choose the length of the returned value. Like site1.com will be setup obviously to return let's say if site2 wanted a string of 5 digits, site1 will generate the string and simply return it in the page (site1.com/gen?leng=5 could work, but its the matter of getting it displayed on the site..)

我想站点1生成的字符串,每说。我想外部网站(站点2)能够获得这个字符串,并在PHP格式使用它,像$字符串= site1generatedstring



In second site you can:

$remoteText = file_get_html("http://firstserver.com/page");

和您可以处理这个VAR( $ remoteText ),因为你需要。

And you can handle this var ($remoteText) as you need.


09-05 13:45