


So the problem I am having is that I have not been able to pass information calculated on a page Results.html to a script I have to generate a pie chart and then take the image and display it in my Results page. I am very new to PHP (about 2 weeks) and have only the most basic understanding so I need very explicit instructions. Either way, this is the code I'm working with:

    $filename = "Results.txt";
    $lines = file($filename);

    $q1 = $_POST['q1']; // stores checked button value
    $q2 = $_POST['q2'];
    $q3 = $_POST['q3'];
    $q4 = $_POST['q4'];
    $q5 = $_POST['q5'];
    $q6 = $_POST['q6'];
    $q7 = $_POST['q7'];
    $q8 = $_POST['q8'];

    $qN = 1;  //question number

    $newLines = '';

    $total = array();

        foreach($lines as $line) {

            $line = trim($line);  //remove excess newlines etc.
            $lineArr = explode(',',$line);  //split line into array by commas
            $index = ${'q'.$qN}-1; //zero based
        if (isset($lineArr[$index])){
            $lineArr[$index]++;  //add to position by one vote.
            $total = array_sum($lineArr); //number of clicks

            $newLines .= implode(',',$lineArr) . "\r\n"; //newLines contains numbers then also
//write contents back to file.
file_put_contents($filename, $newLines);

//frequencies for each line without strings
$l[1] = explode(',',$lines[0]);
$l[2] = explode(',',$lines[1]);
$l[3] = explode(',',$lines[2]);
$l[4] = explode(',',$lines[3]);
$l[5] = explode(',',$lines[4]);
$l[6] = explode(',',$lines[5]);
$l[7] = explode(',',$lines[6]);
$l[8] = explode(',',$lines[7]);

//multiply each
$result = array();
$values = array(1,2,3,4,5);
    $result[$i+1][$j] = $l[$i+1][$j] * $values[$j];
//calculate percentages

$p1 = (explode(',',$lines[0]));
$p2 = (explode(',',$lines[1]));
$p3 = (explode(',',$lines[2]));
$p4 = (explode(',',$lines[3]));
$p5 = (explode(',',$lines[4]));
$p6 = (explode(',',$lines[5]));
$p7 = (explode(',',$lines[6]));
$p8 = (explode(',',$lines[7]));

// calculate averages *****For some reason most recent frequency item updated is off by one, possibly bc not up to date yet???? figure out later!!!
$f1avg = round((array_sum($result[1])/($total-1)),2);
$f2avg = round((array_sum($result[2])/($total-1)),2);
$f3avg = round((array_sum($result[3])/($total-1)),2);
$f4avg = round((array_sum($result[4])/($total-1)),2);
$f5avg = round((array_sum($result[5])/($total-1)),2);
$f6avg = round((array_sum($result[6])/($total-1)),2);
$f7avg = round((array_sum($result[7])/($total-1)),2);
$f8avg = round((array_sum($result[8])/($total-1)),2);
//pie chart 1 information
$_SESSION['$p1f0s']= round((($p1[0]/$total)*360),2);
$_SESSION['$p1f1s']= round((($p1[1]/$total)*360),2);
$_SESSION['$p1f2s']= round((($p1[2]/$total)*360),2);
$_SESSION['$p1f3s']= round((($p1[3]/$total)*360),2);
$_SESSION['$p1f4s']= round((($p1[4]/$total)*360),2);

$p1f0 = $_SESSION['$p1f0s'];
$p1f1 = $_SESSION['$p1f1s'];
$p1f2 = $_SESSION['$p1f2s'];
$p1f3 = $_SESSION['$p1f3s'];
$p1f4 = $_SESSION['$p1f4s'];

echo $p1f2;


So I tried passing the info from sessions into this:

$p1f0 = $_SESSION['$p1f0s'];
$p1f1 = $_SESSION['$p1f1s'];
$p1f2 = $_SESSION['$p1f2s'];
$p1f3 = $_SESSION['$p1f3s'];
$p1f4 = $_SESSION['$p1f4s'];

header("Content-type: image/png");

//create pie charts

$red = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 0, 0);
$orange = imagecolorallocate($image, 191, 64, 0);
$dark_yellow = imagecolorallocate($image, 128, 128, 0);
$dark_green = imagecolorallocate($image, 64, 191, 0);
$green = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 255, 0);

//__________________ , center,  w , h , st, end, clr  ,    type______
imagefilledarc($image,50,25, 100, 50,  0,  $p1f0, $red, IMG_ARC_PIE);
imagefilledarc($image,50,25, 100, 50, $p1f0,  $p1f01, $orange, IMG_ARC_PIE);
imagefilledarc($image,50,25, 100, 50, $p1f1, $p1f2, $dark_yellow , IMG_ARC_PIE);
imagefilledarc($image,50,25, 100, 50, $p1f2,  $p1f3, $dark_green, IMG_ARC_PIE);
imagefilledarc($image,50,25, 100, 50, $p1f3,  $p1f4, $green, IMG_ARC_PIE);


但是没有成功.在搜索此内容时,我一直遇到$ base64_data的问题,我有点理解应该做什么,但不知道这是否偏离基准.请帮忙!并预先感谢!

But was unsuccessful. I keep running into $base64_data when searching this and I kind of understand what that is supposed to do but don't know if that's way off base. Please help! And thanks in advance!



While you can "export" an image directly in an HTML file like so:

// generate image here
ob_start(function($c) {return "<img src=\"data:image/png;base64,".base64_encode($c)."\" />";});

有点痛苦.拥有<img src="myimage.php" />并在那里生成它要容易得多.您甚至可以传递GET变量.

It's kind of a pain. It's a lot easier to juat have <img src="myimage.php" /> and generate it there. You can even pass GET variables.


08-31 04:56