本文介绍了Java - 自定义形状面板?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发一个应用程序,该应用程序涉及用户需要将鼠标悬停在屏幕上的多个移动点上以启动特定的弹出窗口。目前,我正在监听 JPanel 上的 mouseMoved 事件,并在其上呈现点,然后启动只要光标位于点的特定距离内,就需要弹出窗口。

I am working on an application that involves the user requiring to hover over several moving dots on the screen in order to launch specific popups. At the moment, i am listening for mouseMoved events on the JPanel onto which the dots are rendered, and then launching the required pop ups whenever the cursor is within a specific distance of a dot.

当我有数百个点时 - 这可能变得非常昂贵。

When i have hundreds of dots - this probably becomes quite expensive.


Wouldnt the ideal solution be to represent my 'dots' as small components and register a mouse listener with each dot?

有没有人知道我如何用 JComponent 代表一个小椭圆?

Does anyone know how i might represent a small ellipse with a JComponent?




Here is some old code which shows how to create a "round" JButton. I would extend JComponent instead and the important methods to override are paintComponent() and contains():

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class RoundButton extends JButton {
    public RoundButton(String label) {

        // These statements enlarge the button so that it
        // becomes a circle rather than an oval.
        Dimension size = getPreferredSize();
        size.width = size.height = Math.max(size.width, size.height);

        // This call causes the JButton not to paint the background.
        // This allows us to paint a round background.

    // Paint the round background and label.
    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    if (getModel().isArmed()) {
            // You might want to make the highlight color
            // a property of the RoundButton class.
        } else {
    g.fillOval(0, 0, getSize().width-1, getSize().height-1);

        // This call will paint the label and the focus rectangle.

    // Paint the border of the button using a simple stroke.
    protected void paintBorder(Graphics g) {
        g.drawOval(0, 0, getSize().width-1, getSize().height-1);

    // Hit detection.
    Shape shape;
    public boolean contains(int x, int y) {
        // If the button has changed size, make a new shape object.
        if (shape == null || !shape.getBounds().equals(getBounds())) {
            shape = new Ellipse2D.Float(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
        return shape.contains(x, y);

    // Test routine.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a button with the label "Jackpot".
        JButton button = new RoundButton("Jackpot");
        button.setBounds(0, 0, 100, 100);

        JButton button2 = new RoundButton("Jackpot2");
        button2.setBounds(50, 50, 100, 100);

        // Create a frame in which to show the button.
        JFrame frame = new JFrame();
//        frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        frame.setSize(200, 200);

        MouseListener mouseListener = new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e )

            public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e )

            public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e )
                System.out.println( "clicked " );

            public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e )
                System.out.println( "pressed " );

            public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e )
                System.out.println( "released " );
        button.addMouseListener( mouseListener );



This simplifies the hit detection easily since there is no custom code. Also it allows you to control overlapping of compnents easily since you can control the Z-Order of each component.

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08-14 09:45