本文介绍了阿贾克斯AutoCompleteExtender - 造型不同的物品?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




I want to know how I can change the css style of individual items generated by an autocompleteextender, but the control only allows me to set the styling of all items as a group.



I have a search box that utilizes an AutoCompleteExtender. As you type, search results pop up in a box under the search box.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtSearch" OnChange="javascript: Changed(this);"  runat="server" style="width:360px;" />
<cc1:AutoCompleteExtender ID="Search_AutoCompleteExtender" runat="server"
                    CompletionListElementID="autocompleteDropDownPanel1" />

<asp:Panel ID="autocompleteDropDownPanel1" runat="server" ScrollBars="Vertical" Height="250" style="overflow-y:scroll;position:absolute;left:0;top:0" /

该AutoCompleteExtender有一个属性到CSS类分配给每一个项目, CompletionListItemCssClass CompletionListHighlightedItemCssClass 高亮显示项目。我想知道的是如何根据一定的标准,我可以单独样式的具体项目。

The AutoCompleteExtender has a property to assign a CSS class to every item, CompletionListItemCssClass and CompletionListHighlightedItemCssClass for the highlighted item. What I want to know is how I can individually style specific items based on certain criteria.


In my service, I'm running a stored procedure, manipulating the results a bit, then returning a string array back to the autocompleteextender. I have that stored procedure set up to include a certain flag with each record.. I want to use that flag to highlight certain rows of the search results (turn the text red, for example).


How can I do this? I can't seem to find any way to access individual items to change their styling.


I've been searching all over for help and am coming up empty handed. Thank you.


不支持这种行为,在默认情况下,但你可以调整AutoCompleteExtender源添加此功能。其实有两种方式可供选择:第一种是扩大对象,返回从与项目CSS类新的房地产服务,以扩展器和适用于扩展客户端脚本这个属性值。而第二个可用的方法是引入新的事件项创建,处理一下页面上取决于它的价值应用自定义逻辑上的项目。让我们在这里实现了这两种方法。在第一个,你需要下载源AjaxControlToolkit中,如果你没有这个尚未开放的客户端/ MicrosoftAjax.Extended /自动完成/ AutoCompleteBehavior。pre.js 文件。在这个文件中,你需要更改 _Update 如下方法:

Such behavior isn't supported by default but you can tweak AutoCompleteExtender sources to add this feature. Actually there are two ways available: the first one is to extend object, returned to extender from web service with new property for item css class and apply this property value in extender client script. And the second available approach is to introduce new event for item creating, handle it on page and apply custom logic on item depending on it value. Let's implement both approaches here. At the first you need to download AjaxControlToolkit sources if you didn't this yet and open Client/MicrosoftAjax.Extended/AutoComplete/AutoCompleteBehavior.pre.js file. In this file you need to change the _update method as below:

_update: function (prefixText, completionItems, cacheResults) {
    /// <summary>
    /// Method to update the status of the autocomplete behavior
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="prefixText" type="String" DomElement="false" mayBeNull="true" />
    /// <param name="completionItems" type="Object" DomElement="false" mayBeNull="true" />
    /// <param name="cacheResults" type="Object" DomElement="false" mayBeNull="true" />
    /// <returns />
    if (cacheResults && this.get_enableCaching()) {
        if (!this._cache) {
            this._cache = {};
        this._cache[prefixText] = completionItems;

    // If the target control loses focus or
    // if the value in textbox has changed before the webservice returned
    // completion items we don't need to show popup
    if ((!this._textBoxHasFocus) || (prefixText != this._currentCompletionWord())) {

    if (completionItems && completionItems.length) {
        this._completionListElement.innerHTML = '';
        this._selectIndex = -1;
        var _firstChild = null;
        var text = null;
        var value = null;
        var cssClass = null;
        var dataItem = null;

        //remove this line if you don't need to implement itemDataBinding event
        var itemDataBindingHandler = this.get_events().getHandler('itemDataBinding');

        for (var i = 0; i < completionItems.length; i++) {
            // Create the item
            var itemElement = null;
            if (this._completionListElementID) {
                // the completion element has been created by the user and li won't necessarily work
                itemElement = document.createElement('div');
            } else {
                itemElement = document.createElement('li');

            // set the first child if it is null
            if (_firstChild == null) {
                _firstChild = itemElement;

            // Get the text/value for the item
            try {
                dataItem = Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.deserialize( completionItems[i] );
                if (dataItem && dataItem.First) {
                    // Use the text and value pair returned from the web service
                    text = dataItem.First;
                    value = dataItem.Second;

                    if (dataItem.CssClass) {
                        cssClass = dataItem.CssClass;
                else {
                    // If the web service only returned a regular string, use it for
                    // both the text and the value
                    text = completionItems[i];
                    value = text;
            } catch (ex) {
                text = completionItems[i];
                value = completionItems[i];

            // Set the text/value for the item
            // ShowOnlyCurrentWordInCompletionListItem support
            var optionText = this._showOnlyCurrentWordInCompletionListItem ? text : this._getTextWithInsertedWord(text);
            itemElement._value = value;
            itemElement.__item = '';

            if (this._completionListItemCssClass) {
                Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(itemElement, this._completionListItemCssClass);
            } else {
                var itemElementStyle = itemElement.style;
                itemElementStyle.padding = '0px';
                itemElementStyle.textAlign = 'left';
                itemElementStyle.textOverflow = 'ellipsis';
                // workaround for safari since normal colors do not
                // show well there.
                if (Sys.Browser.agent === Sys.Browser.Safari) {
                    itemElementStyle.backgroundColor = 'white';
                    itemElementStyle.color = 'black';
                } else {
                    itemElementStyle.backgroundColor = this._textBackground;
                    itemElementStyle.color = this._textColor;

            if (cssClass) {
                Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(itemElement, cssClass);

            //remove this if you don't need to implement itemDataBinding event
            if (itemDataBindingHandler) {
                itemDataBindingHandler(itemElement, dataItem || completionItems[i]);

        var elementBounds = $common.getBounds(this.get_element());
        this._completionListElement.style.width = Math.max(1, elementBounds.width - 2) + 'px';
        this._completionListElement.scrollTop = 0;


        var eventArgs = new Sys.CancelEventArgs();
        if (!eventArgs.get_cancel()) {
            // Check if the first Row is to be selected by default and if yes highlight it and updated selectIndex.
            if (this._firstRowSelected && (_firstChild != null)) {
                this._selectIndex = 0;
    } else {


If you not intended to implement scenario with new client-side event this is all changes in project you required. You already can pass item css class from web server method along with item's text and value. Only difference is to use custom class instead of the Pair that used in AjaxControlToolkit control by default:

public string[] GetCompletionList(string prefixText, int count)
    var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
    var items = Enumerable.Range(1, count)
        .Select(id => serializer.Serialize(
                            Second = id,
                            First = prefixText + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                            CssClass = id % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd"

    return items.ToArray();



IF you want to implement also custom client event (that give more flexibility indeed) then you need to add some more code to the AutoCompleteBehavior.pre.js file. Add code below somewhere in Sys.Extended.UI.AutoCompleteBehavior.prototype object:

add_itemDataBinding: function (handler) {
    this.get_events().addHandler('itemDataBinding', handler);

remove_itemDataBinding: function (handler) {
    this.get_events().removeHandler('itemDataBinding', handler);

此外,打开服务器/ AjaxControlToolkit中/自动完成/ AutoCompleteExtender.cs 文件,该属性添加到AutoCompleteExtender类:

Also, open the Server/AjaxControlToolkit/AutoComplete/AutoCompleteExtender.cs file and add this property to the AutoCompleteExtender class:

/// <summary>
/// Handler to attach to the client-side item data binding event
/// </summary>
public string OnClientItemDataBinding
    get { return GetPropertyValue("OnClientItemDataBinding", string.Empty); }
    set { SetPropertyValue("OnClientItemDataBinding", value); }


After rebuilding project you can use custom AjaxControlToolkit assembly with additional functionality.

<script type="text/javascript">
    function itemDataBinding(item, dataItem) {
        var value = parseInt(dataItem.Second, 10);
        if (!isNaN(value)) {
            item.className = value % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd";

<ajaxToolkit:AutoCompleteExtender runat="server" ID="autoComplete1"
    TargetControlID="myTextBox" ServicePath="AutoComplete.asmx" ServiceMethod="GetCompletionList"

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09-12 13:15