


我建设有通知区域图标支持.NET 4的WPF桌面应用程序。


的通知区域图标纯粹是WPF控件,我从这个 $ C $的CProject例子。


  ShutdownMode =OnExplicitShutdown



在App.xaml.cs我创建一个Ninject StandardKernel ,姑且称之为 appKernel 并加载Ninject模块分成它。起初只有一个接口是由Ninject解决 - 一个 heartbeatManager 实例。一个HeartbeatManager是一类我刨使用的:



在这一点上 heartbeatManager 实例被创建只是留在记忆挂起。

在App.xaml中我设置了的StartupUri =MainWindow.xaml以创建主窗口并显示。继主窗口尝试解析它在App.xaml中定义的静态ViewModelLocator实例数据上下文中的MVVM光ViewModelLocator模式:

 < Application.Resources>
    <的ViewModels:ViewModelLocator X:键=定位器D:IsDataSource =真/>
< /Application.Resources>





If it is registered with your kernel, it isn't any magic that causes it to hang in memory - it will stick around as long as the kernel/container does. That container should probably be a member of your App class, since your app class sticks around as long as the (compiler generated) Main method does, and you should dispose it on app shutdown anyhow.

I'm not sure this will mix well with NInject. It is a Dependency Injection container, not a Service Locator container (even though it uses one under the hood). The main purpose of NInject (and similar frameworks) is to avoid requiring you to use the Service Locator pattern, and instead to inject all your dependencies.

Unless your scenario is quite complicated (which it really isn't for this app), then I suggest sticking to a single NInject kernel.

Suggested Solution

The view model locator class itself doesn't do much for you other than let you split up your initialization logic, and do selective initialization depending on whether you're in design mode or runtime mode. You could achieve the same with NInject modules (which the view model locator article you linked in comments already uses).

I suggest that instead of using a view model locator, you specify all your components in your module class, and do the IsInDesignMode logic in the Load method.

This might be a bit tricky with MVVM though, since the view model needs to bind to an object property you didn't create, and can't annotate.

There are a few ways to solve this directly in NInject, instead of resorting to a service locator:

  • Use Dependency Injection on your view, making it require a view model.
    If this doesn't work using constructor injection (as you mentioned in your comments), use property injection instead, with a custom property that forwards its setter to DataContext.
  • Use NInject factory methods (ToMethod) to create your view, and bind the view model to the view in each factory method.
    E.g. Bind<MainView>().ToMethod(context => new MainView() { DataContext = new MainViewModel() });

If you can, I'd go for the second method. This way your view doesn't have to handle data binding, and doesn't have to have any code behind. It is also simple to understand, would let you avoid having to register both views and view models in the kernel, and would let you avoid making any sort of well known interface for your view model.


09-05 21:11