For some mysterious reasons, I ended up deleting my local repository. I now cloned my remote repo back into my Eclipse workspace and it shows that I am working on the master branch of my Android project rather than the local repo and it makes sense.
The reason why I started using Git is so that I can make wild changes to the project and if anything breaks, I can go back to the last stable state. Now, with a local repo gone and me working straight on my master branch of the project, I do not know how that can be done.
的 PS:我需要有Android项目在我的工作区,否则Eclipse启动抱怨的原因无法找到用户库的
您可以BRACH说masterbranch和开发建筑学学士:主BRACH意味着最稳定的code是在任何更改后开发BRACH表U愿意承担备份ü可以推到dev BRACH和不推主之前,除非乌尔肯定。
You can make brach say masterbranch and dev barch : master brach means most stable code is in , dev brach means after any changes u willing to take backup u can push to dev brach and dont push to master until and unless u r sure of it.
git checkout -b your_branch
Push it to the remote server.
git push <remote-name> <branch-name>