本文介绍了PlayReady / Widevine和ClearKey有什么区别?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


与标题状态一样,PlayReady / Widevine和ClearKey有什么区别? PlayReady / Widevine比ClearKey好吗?

Like the title states, what is the difference between PlayReady/Widevine and ClearKey? Is PlayReady/Widevine better than ClearKey?



ClearKey is a free alternative to commercial DRM solutions for MPEG-DASH content (MPEG-CENC compliant), but as it is only an encryption solution it does not offer the same level of protection as PlayReady, Widevine or Fairplay.


[Opinion:] If you need a complete DRM solution then working with a provider who supports an integrated DRM solution for origin and playback (eg BuyDRM or Ooyala) is going to provide more protection

  • Widevine:Widevine是一种好莱坞级DRM技术,最初由Widevine Technologies开发,并于2010年被谷歌收购.Bullvine原生支持广泛的设备和浏览器,如谷歌浏览器,Android,Chromecast等。

  • PlayReady:PlayReady是由Microsoft开发的,是可用的主要DRM系统之一,具有广泛的设备支持,先进的功能,并且一直是你非常大规模的活动,如俄罗斯索契奥运会。

  • Fairplay:Fairplay专为Apple HTTP直播(HLS)设计,支持iPhone,iPad,Apple等设备上的播放电视和Mac OS X.Fairplay也用作Safari浏览器的内容解密模块(CDM)。这样就可以在该浏览器中插入(非标准)DRM加密Fairplay流的HTML5本机播放。

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10-11 20:43