



In both cases, it seems clear that the compiler has all the information it needs to infer the delegate type. Yet in neither case does the type inference seem to work:



produces the compiler error

错误105的最佳重载方法匹配  System.Windows.Forms.Control.BeginInvoke(System.Delegate)有一定的  无效的参数


BeginInvoke(ShowProcessErrors, new object[] { process });


Both method calls only compile if I change them to explitly create a delegate and pass that. Both of the following compile fine:

BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(myMethodThatTakesNoParams));

BeginInvoke(new ProcessErrorDelegate(ShowProcessErrors), new object[] { process });

似乎有不被任何明显的理由类型推断不会在这里工作。有没有一种方法来调用的BeginInvoke 没有显式地创建一个代表?

There doesn't seem to be any obvious reason why type inference won't work here. Is there a way to call BeginInvoke without explicitly creating a delegate?


问题是, myMethodThatTakesNoParams 是不是一个真正的委托,但所谓的法团由编译器。方法组是不是一个真正的类型在CLR。必须将其转换委托型被使用。当您使用方法组这样的:

The issue is that myMethodThatTakesNoParams isn't really a delegate but a so-called "method group" by the compiler. A method group isn't a real type in the CLR. It must be converted to delegate type to be used. When you use a method group like this:

Action a = myMethodThatTakesNoParams;


The compiler recognizes that you want to convert the method group to a delegate and inserts the conversion for you. It produces IL that effectively says:

Action a = new Action(myMethodThatTakesNoParams);


Delegate d = myMethodThatTakesNoParams

编译器并不真正知道该怎么办。它理论上可以挑选任何兼容的委托类型你,但C#,一般情况下不会插入你没有使用到EX pressions类型。因为它不知道你想要的方法组转换为何种委托,编译器会产生错误。

The compiler doesn't really know what to do. It could theoretically pick any compatible delegate type for you, but C#, in general, does not insert types you did not use into expressions. Since it does not know what delegate you want the method group converted to, the compiler produces an error.


I used variable assignment in my examples, but the same logic applies for parameters to methods.


A work around would be to write your own extension method that has a specific delegate type in it:

static class ControlExtensions
    public static IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(this Control c, Action a)
        return c.BeginInvoke(a);


09-01 16:27