


I am using DropWizard and Freemarker to build up a view which displays different types of forms based on results from a webservice.

我已经将表单创建为视图 - 每个都有自己的ftl。

I have created the forms as views - each with their own ftl.


So, in my resource, I discover which form I need, then load the main.ftl, passing the form view as a parameter (see below).


This doesn't work. Can anyone see where we're going wrong? Or is there a completely different way to chain views together using DropWizard and freemarker?

public Form getForm() {
        FormView view = new FormView(service.getForm());
        return new MainView(view);

public class FormView extends View {
    private final Form form;

    public FormView(Form form) {
        this.form = form;

    public Form getForm() {
        return form;

public class MainView extends View {
    private final FormView formView;

    public MainView(FormView formView) {
        this.formView = formView;

    public FormView getFormView() {
        return formView;

public class TextForm extends View implements Form {
    private int maxLength;
    private String text;

    public TextForm(int maxLength, String text) {
        this.maxLength = maxLength;
        this.text = text;

    public int getMaxLength() {
        return maxLength;

    public String getText() {
        return text;

<#-- @ftlvariable formView="" type="MainView" -->
    <#include formView.templateName />  // This evaluates to formView.ftl, but it seems to create a new instance, and doesn't have the reference to textForm.ftl. How do we reference a dropwizard view here?

<#-- @ftlvariable form type="FormView" -->
${form?html}   // also tried #include form.templateName

<#-- @ftlvariable text type="TextForm" -->



Based on the discussion, I think you need something like this:

<#-- main.ftl -->
    <#include formView.templateName>

formView.templateName 必须评估为 textForm.ftl numberForm.ftl complexForm.ftl 或其他您可能拥有的表单视图。不需要在这些文件之间选择的中间文件。我认为你遇到了问题,因为 FormView.getTemplateName()正在返回一个硬编码的 formView.ftl 。我你需要的是这个方法返回包含你想要显示的表单类型的实际模板文件的名称。

formView.templateName must evaluate to textForm.ftl, numberForm.ftl, complexForm.ftl or whatever form view you might have. There's no need for an intermediate file that chooses between these. I think you are running into problems because FormView.getTemplateName() is returning a hard-coded formView.ftl. I think that what you need is for this method to return the name of the actual template file containing the form type you want to display.


07-11 02:49