本文介绍了我如何在 Cypress 中使用软断言的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


`我已经从 npm (npm i soft-assert) 配置了软断言,现在我的 package.josn 有软断言":^0.2.3"

`I have configured soft assert from npm (npm i soft-assert) and now my package.josn has "soft-assert": "^0.2.3"

我想使用软断言的功能'softAssert(actual, expected, msg, ignoreKeys)'

i want to use function of Soft assert'softAssert(actual, expected, msg, ignoreKeys)'


But don't know, what is the exact steps to use it


Example:When i use soft assertion function in my code, getting following error.


  1. cy.softAssert(10, 12, "expected actual mismatch and will execute next line") : 不支持或者如果我使用不同的方式像
  2. softAssert(10, 12, "expected actual mismatch and will execute next line") : SoftAssert 未定义

谁能告诉我如何通过一些小例子在 cypress 代码中使用这个softAssert"函数.`

Can any one tell me how to use this 'softAssert' function in cypress code with some small example.`


it('asserts and logs and fails', () => {
  Cypress.softAssert(10, 12, "expected actual mismatch...");

我需要在软断言之后我的代码作为 cy.log("text") 在同一个it"块中执行,但当前测试在整个it"块中失败,没有正在执行cy.log(text")"语句.

I need my code after soft assertion as cy.log("text") to be executed in the same 'it' block but the current test failing the whole 'it' block, without executing 'cy.log("text")' statement.


软断言概念非常酷,您可以将它以最少的实现添加到 Cypress

The soft assertion concept is pretty cool, and you can add it with minimal implementation to Cypress

const jsonAssertion = require("soft-assert")

it('asserts several times and only fails at the end', () => {
  jsonAssertion.softAssert(10, 12, "expected actual mismatch");
  // some more assertions, not causing a failure

  jsonAssertion.softAssertAll();  // Now fail the test if above fails


To me, it would be nicer to see each soft assertion failure in the log, so it's possible to add custom commands to wrap the soft-assert functions

const jsonAssertion = require("soft-assert")

Cypress.Commands.add('softAssert', (actual, expected, message) => {
  jsonAssertion.softAssert(actual, expected, message)
  if (jsonAssertion.jsonDiffArray.length) {
    jsonAssertion.jsonDiffArray.forEach(diff => {

      const log = Cypress.log({
        name: 'Soft assertion error',
        displayName: 'softAssert',
        message: diff.error.message

Cypress.Commands.add('softAssertAll', () => jsonAssertion.softAssertAll())

//-- all above can go into /cypress/support/index.js
//-- to save adding it to every test (runs once each test session)

it('asserts and logs but does not fail', () => {
  cy.softAssert(10, 12, "expected actual mismatch...");
  cy.log('text');    // this will run

it('asserts and logs and fails', () => {
  cy.softAssert(10, 12, "expected actual mismatch...");
  cy.log('text');    // this will run


这篇关于我如何在 Cypress 中使用软断言的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-11 00:27