I am using GeoServer and seed tiles on my server. The tiles are created successfully but i dont know which pattern the directory structure is following... (i.e. .../EPSG_4326_05/0_0/00_06.png)I want to use the tiles in a OpenLayers application and there i want to use a OSM source which is using the XYZ-pattern which is commonly used as URL pattern for tile-serving.Is there a way to tell the geoserver it should create the tiles with the XYZ structure?
这可能为时已晚,这是我的Geoserver图层的XYZ URL:
This may be too late by here is my XYZ URL for geoserver layer:
Geoserver will cache the tiles automatically as you request through URL.
这篇关于以XYZ格式投放GeoServer Tile的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!