Just starting out playing with OpenSeadragon (very good btw) and on creating a custom tile set am wondering what the advantages or disadvantages of creating tiles with an overlap?
I've tried using 0 and it seems ok, but I wonder if there are any clarity or performance advantages or having the tiles overlap (I think DeepZoom format uses 4 for example?)
优势在于当瓷砖放置在非瓷砖时使用子像素和插值 - 整数值。
The advantage is when using sub-pixeling and interpolation when the tiles are placed at non-integer values.
If they overlap a little (usually just a single pixel) they will camouflage the tiny gap that typically occur.
(right-click and select "view image" to see larger version)
对于性能,人们倾向于至少使用可被4整除的宽度和高度(或64位为8),因为它们在内存中复制得更快,通常大小为2 (即32,64,128等)。另请参阅进行缩放。
For performance one would tend to at least use width and height divisible by 4 (or 8 for 64-bit) as these are faster to copy in memory, and often a size of 2 (ie. 32, 64, 128 etc.). Also see mip-mapping for zooming.