


We have five tv's in our office displaying a local web page written in .net. This web page can be updated by three managers at any time of the day to tell staff about events.

问题是网页不刷新 - 我可以进入远程和命中f5这不会是一个大问题,但页面更新约4到6次一小时。

the problem is the page doesn't refresh - i can go in remotely and hit f5 which wouldn't be a big deal but the page is updated about 4 to 6 times an hour.

我真正想要的是一个命令行脚本或批处理文件,刷新ie并坐在显示网页的pc上 - 然后我可以在管理器计算机上添加一个快捷方式,并且在他们更新后,他们可以点击它。

what i really want is either a command line script or batch file that refreshes ie and sits on the pc that displays the web page - then i can add a shortcut to it on the managers computers and after they've updated they can click on that.


Is there either a command line to refresh ie or a batch file? or even a command line that fires f5 as a keypress?



< meta http-equiv =refreshcontent =60>

How about building in a Refresh to the webpage if it's under your control? E.g. Every minute with
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60">


09-03 03:45