

这是Android的窗口小部件屏幕准则, http://developer.android.com/导/做法/ ui_guidelines / widget_design.html ,我们知道,主屏幕有4 * 4的细胞,并在纵向,每个单元为80个像素宽100像素高。

From Android widget screen guidelines, http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/widget_design.html, we know that, home screen has 4*4 cells, and in portrait orientation, each cell is 80 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall.

我觉得这些都是基准HVGA屏幕。怎么样在大屏幕和华电国际的屏幕,他们是否仍然有4 * 4细胞部件和纵向每个单元仍然是80个像素* 100像素?

I think these are for baseline HVGA screen. How about for large screens and hdpi screens, do they still have 4*4 cells for widget and each cell in portrait orientation is still 80 pixels * 100 pixels?




The pixels you are referring to are device independent pixels. As you can see in the documentation here:

<appwidget-provider xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:configure="com.example.android.ExampleAppWidgetConfigure" >


Note how they are using dp units, not px. This allows the widget to scale correctly to different screen resolutions.


As for the screen being 4x4 cells, this is a property of the default Android homescreen manager. Regardless of screen resolution the home screen will be 4x4 cells when using the default Android home screen.


There are other home screen managers out there that have more than 4x4 cells, such as the custom home screen manager on the Archos tablets. If you want your appwidget to work in some of these other homescreen managers that do special things like increase the number of cells on the screen or allow text input and scrolling in app widgets, then you are probably going to have to write a custom version of your widget for those home screen managers.


So the answer to your question, assuming you are always targeting the default home screen manager, is that the screen is always 4x4 cells and as long as you stick with device independent pixels you have nothing extra you need to do to make your appwidget scale and work correctly on higher resolutions.


08-24 13:21