


Sometimes I need to get only lines containing a certain string from a text file (e.g., while parsing a logfile). I usually do it this way:

with open(TEXTFILENAME,'r') as f:
  contents = f.readlines()

targets = [s for s in contents if FINDSTRING in s]


However, I saw there's a possible two-liner:

with open(TEXTFILENAME,'r') as f:
  targets = [s for s in f.readlines() if FINDSTRING in s]

我想知道第二种方法是否更有效,在这种情况下 readlines() 函数是否充当各种迭代器.

I wonder if the second method is more efficient, whether the readlines() function in this case act as an iterator of sorts.


避免调用 readlines,它会生成所有行的列表.因此这应该更快

Avoid the call to readlines, which generates a list of all the lines. This should therefore be faster

with open(TEXTFILENAME,'r') as f:
    targets = [line for line in f if FINDSTRING in line]


10-22 09:58