本文介绍了Python 的函数 readlines(n) 行为的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已阅读文档,但是 readlines(n) 有什么作用呢?readlines(n) 是指 readlines(3) 或任何其他数字.

I've read the documentation, but what does readlines(n) do? By readlines(n), I mean readlines(3) or any other number.

当我运行 readlines(3) 时,它返回与 readlines() 相同的内容.

When I run readlines(3), it returns same thing as readlines().



The optional argument should mean how many (approximately) bytes are read from the file. The file will be read further, until the current line ends:

readlines([size]) -> list of strings, each a line from the file.

Call readline() repeatedly and return a list of the lines so read.
The optional size argument, if given, is an approximate bound on the
total number of bytes in the lines returned.


如果给定一个可选参数 sizehint,它会从文件中读取那么多字节和足够多的字节来完成一行,并从中返回行.


You're right that it doesn't seem to do much for small files, which is interesting:

In [1]: open('hello').readlines()
Out[1]: ['Hello\n', 'there\n', '!\n']

In [2]: open('hello').readlines(2)
Out[2]: ['Hello\n', 'there\n', '!\n']


One might think it's explained by the following phrase in the documentation:

使用 readline() 读取直到 EOF 并返回包含所读取行的列表.如果存在可选的 sizehint 参数,则不会读取到 EOF,而是读取总计大约 sizehint 字节(可能在向上舍入到内部缓冲区大小之后)的整行.实现类文件接口的对象可能会选择忽略 sizehint,如果它无法实现,或者无法有效实现.


However, even when I try to read the file without buffering, it doesn't seem to change anything, which means some other kind of internal buffer is meant:

In [4]: open('hello', 'r', 0).readlines(2)
Out[4]: ['Hello\n', 'there\n', '!\n']

在我的系统上,这个内部缓冲区大小似乎约为 5k 字节/1.7k 行:

On my system, this internal buffer size seems to be around 5k bytes / 1.7k lines:

In [1]: len(open('hello', 'r', 0).readlines(5))
Out[1]: 1756

In [2]: len(open('hello', 'r', 0).readlines())
Out[2]: 28080

这篇关于Python 的函数 readlines(n) 行为的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-16 06:50