What characters are allowed and what is not allowed in a C# class name. Could you please help?
To specify. What special characters are allowed. Please be specific, because links to 50 pages specs in high-technical language is not a answer that will help me a lot.
EXPLANATION: What I try to acomplish is to divide class name into distinguishable parts for example:
And I think about a way of using some kind of character or something else to be able to get parts Person, WorkOffice, Helper and Class from this class name.
And yes, I know it's crazy, but I need it that way. I know that I can use attributes and reflection to store this data in class meta but this is not the case, so please not suggest this solution.
规格详情请。基本上,中的任何unicode字符(包括unicode转义) ,,,,, ,,,,,和。第一个字母是一个例外,它必须是字母(类,,,或)或下划线。此外,如果标识符是关键字,您必须在其前面粘贴一个@。 @是可选的。
The spec details are here. Essentially, any unicode character (including unicode escapes) in the character classes Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Nl, Mn, Mc, Nd, Pc, and Cf. The first letter is an exception and it must be a letter (classes Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, or Lo) or an underscore. Also, if the identifier is a keyword, you must stick an @ in front of it. The @ is optional otherwise.