我的解决方案是设置 org.eclipse .jdt.apt.core.prefs
和 factorypath
- 参考factorypath文件中的处理器jar
- 配置日食注释处理器输出目录
- 将eclipse注解处理器输出目录添加为源文件夹
是eclipse生成的源将使用maven编译。只有 maven clean compile
是可靠的,因为它会删除eclipse生成的源文件。 (Eclipse和javac生成的源文件可能不同步)
有没有更好的解决方案配置maven没有eclipse生成源文件在maven源路径? p>
< project>
< eclipse.generated.src> $ {project.build.directory} /eclipse</eclipse.generated.src>
< / properties>
< build>
< plugin>
< groupId> org.codehaus.mojo< / groupId>
< artifactId> build-helper-maven-plugin< / artifactId>
< version> 1.4< / version>
< execution>
< id> add-source< / id>
< phase> generate-sources< / phase>
< goals> <目标>添加源和LT; /目标> < /目标>
< configuration>
< sources>
< source> $ {eclipse.generated.src}< / source>
< / sources>
< / configuration>
< / execution>
< / executions>
< / plugin>
< plugin>
< groupId> org.apache.maven.plugins< / groupId>
< artifactId> maven-eclipse-plugin< / artifactId>
< configuration>
< additionalConfig>
< file> <名称>&.factorypath LT; /名称>
< content><![CDATA [< factorypath>
< factorypathentry kind =VARJARid =M2_REPO / processor / processor.jarenabled =truerunInBatchMode =false/>
< / factorypath>
]]> < /内容>
< / file>
< file>
< name> .settings / org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.prefs< / name>
< content><![CDATA [
eclipse.preferences.version = 1
org.eclipse.jdt.apt.aptEnabled = true
org.eclipse.jdt。 apt.genSrcDir = $ {eclipse.generated.src}
org.eclipse.jdt.apt.reconcileEnabled = true
]]> < /内容>
< / file>
< / additionalConfig>
< / configuration>
< / plugin>
< / plugins>
< / build>
< / project>
- 在项目源上执行apt。
- 在项目测试源上执行apt。
- apt:eclipse 生成Eclipse文件以进行适应集成。
< build>
< plugins>
< plugin>
< groupId> org.codehaus.mojo< / groupId>
< artifactId> apt-maven-plugin< / artifactId>
< version> 1.0-alpha-2< / version>
< execution>
< goals>
< goal>进程< / goal>
< goal> test-process< / goal>
< / goals>
< / execution>
< / executions>
< / plugin>
< / plugins>
< / build>
默认情况下,输出目录设置为 $ {project.build.directory } / generated-sources / apt
有一个针对编译器插件添加APT对Java 6的支持,如果这是您希望在将来的版本中看到的话,您可以去投票。 / p>
What's the best way to setup the eclipse project compiler configuration for Java 6 annotation processors?
My solution is to setup the org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.prefs
and factorypath
files manually. This is a bit cumbersome:
- Reference the processor jar in the factorypath file
- Configure the eclipse annotation processor output directory
property inorg.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.prefs
) - Add the eclipse annotation processor output directory as source folder
One problem is that eclipse generated sources will be compiled with maven. Only maven clean compile
is reliable as it removes the eclipse generated source files. (Eclipse and javac generated source files could be out of sync.)
Is there are better solution to configure maven without eclipse generated source files at the maven source path?
<goals> <goal>add-source</goal> </goals>
<file> <name>.factorypath</name>
<factorypathentry kind="VARJAR" id="M2_REPO/processor/processor.jar" enabled="true" runInBatchMode="false"/>
]]> </content>
]]> </content>
Update: You could try using the apt-maven-plugin. It currently provides three goals:
- apt-process Executes apt on project sources.
- apt:test-process Executes apt on project test sources.
- apt:eclipse Generates Eclipse files for apt integration.
You can configure the goals to run as part of your build as follows:
By default the output directory is set to ${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/apt
There is an open Jira against the compiler plugin to add APT support for Java 6, you can go and vote for it if this is something you want to to see in future versions.
这篇关于为maven为eclipse编译器设置Java 6注释处理配置的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!