在我的java spring应用程序中,我正在使用hibernate和jpa,并且我使用jackson在DB中填充数据.
In my java spring application, I am working with hibernate and jpa, and i use jackson to populate data in DB.
public class User{
Long id;
String username;
String password;
boolean activated;
public User(){}
public class Roles {
Long id;
User user;
String role;
public Roles(){}
In the class Roles i have a property of Userand then i made a json file to store the data:
[ {"_class" : "com.example.domains.User", "id": 1, "username": "Admin", "password": "123Admin123","activated":true}
{"_class" : "com.example.domains.Roles", "id": 1,"user":1, "role": "Admin"}]
Unfortunately, when i run the app it complains with:
.RuntimeException: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Can not construct instance of com.example.domains.User: no int/Int-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from Number value (1)
at [Source: N/A; line: -1, column: -1] (through reference chain: com.example.domains.Roles["user"])
{"_class" : "com.example.domains.Roles", "id": 1,"user":1, "role": "Admin"}
and when i remove the above line the app works well.
I think, it complains because it cannot make an instance of user.So, how can i fix it?
Do yourself a favor and stop using your Entities as DTOs!
JPA entities have bidirectional relations, JSON objects don't, I also believe that the responsibilities of an Entity is very different from a DTO, and although joining these responsibilities into a single Java class is possible, in my experience it is a very bad idea.
- 您几乎总是需要DTO层具有更大的灵活性,因为它通常与UI有关.
- 您应该避免将数据库的主键暴露在外部,包括您自己的UI.我们总是为每个公开的实体生成一个附加的uniqueId(UUID),主键保留在数据库中,仅用于联接.
- 您通常需要同一实体的多个视图.或多个实体的单一视图.
- 如果需要向与现有关系添加新实体,则需要在数据库中找到现有实体,因此将新对象和旧对象作为单个JSON结构发布没有优势.您只需要现有的uniqueId,然后是新的.
A lot of the problems developers have with JPA, specifically with regards to merging comes from the fact that they receive a detached entity after their json has been deserialized. But this entity typically doesn't have the OneToMany relations (and if it does, it's the parent which has a relation to the child in JSON, but in JPA it is the child's reference to the parent which constitutes the relationship). In most cases you will always need to load the existing version of the entity from the database, and then copy the changes from your DTO into the entity.
自2009年以来,我一直与JPA进行过广泛的合作,并且我知道大多数分离和合并的极端情况,并且使用Entity作为DTO并没有问题,但是当您处理此类问题时,我已经看到了混乱和错误类型将代码转交给对JPA不太熟悉的人. DTO所需的几行内容(特别是因为您已经使用Lombok)如此简单,并且比试图保存一些文件并打破关注点分离的灵活性更大.
I have worked extensively with JPA since 2009, and I know most corner cases of detachment and merging, and have no problem using an Entity as a DTO, but I have seen the confusion and types of errors that occur when you hand such code over to some one who is not intimately familiar with JPA. The few lines you need for a DTO (especially since you already use Lombok), are so simple and allows you much more flexibility, than trying to save a few files and breaking the separation of concerns.