


I'm trying to initialize an array of structures to all-0's, using the below syntax:

STRUCTA array[MAX] = {0};


However, I'm getting the following warning from gcc :


warning: missing braces around initializer


What am i doing wrong - is there another/better way to do this ?



It the first member of your struct has a scalar type, use

STRUCTA array[MAX] = {{ 0 }};


If the first member of your struct happens to be another struct object, whose first member has scalar type, then you'll have to use

STRUCTA array[MAX] = {{{ 0 }}};

,依此类推.基本上,每次输入"另一个嵌套聚合(结构或数组)时,都必须打开新级别的嵌套{}.因此,在这种情况下,只要每个嵌套聚合的 first 成员也是一个聚合,就需要对{}进行更深入的研究.

and so on. Basically, you have to open a new level of nested {} every time you "enter" another nested aggregate (a struct or an array). So in this case as long as the first member of each nested aggregate is also an aggregate, you need to go deeper with {}.

所有这些额外的括号只是为了避免警告.当然,这只是一个无害的警告(在这种情况下).您可以使用简单的{ 0 },它将起作用.

All these extra braces are only there to avoid the warning. Of course, this is just a harmless warning (in this specific case). You can use a simple { 0 } and it will work.

可能最好的解决方法是完全禁用此警告(有关正确的命令行选项,请参见@pmg的回答).在GCC上工作的人并没有清楚地思考.我的意思是,我理解该警告的价值(它确实非常有用),但是破坏{ 0 }的功能是不可接受的. { 0 }应该受到特殊待遇.

Probably the the best way to deal with this is to disable this warning entirely (see @pmg's answer for the right command-line option). Someone working on GCC wasn't thinking clearly. I mean, I understand the value of that warning (and it can indeed be very useful), but breaking the functionality of { 0 } is unacceptable. { 0 } should have been given special treatment.


08-29 11:17