

A 关于OWL时间-时间聚合本体的扩展-详细说明如何使用OWL时间表示重复事件.

A paper about an extension of the OWL Time-Temporal Aggregates Ontology-details how to represent recurring event using OWL Time.


I am unsure about the representation of a particular recurring event. This is because it is unclear about whether a TemporalSeqMember can be itself a TemporalSeq. Secondly, I do not think that I correctly understood the essence of TemporalSeqMember


  1. TemporalSeqMember的用处是什么
  2. 以下建模是否正确地代表了每年4月和4月发生的重复事件?五月的前1,2小时,分别是00:00-00:59和1:00-1:59.


A CIDOC 模型将需要TemporalSeq(重复时间跨度)和不连续的持久性概念来将第二次事件的观察定义为与第一次事件有关.似乎OWL正在将事件频率定义为包含子事件的单个事件集合的单个重复时间模式.

A CIDOC model of recurring events would require both a TemporalSeq (a recurring time span) and a disjoint persistent concept to define the observation of the second occurrence as related to the first. It seems that OWL is defining event frequency as a single recurring pattern of time as a single event aggregate, that contains sub events.

事件的可测周期性的持久概念不能用TemporalSeq聚合建模,并且似乎完全扩展到TemporalThing之外.您的参考文件以假日为例,实际上我对将假日"建模为重复事件存在问题. 假期"是按时间顺序重复发生的事件,但这也是一个概念.每当假期"发生时,这都是一个新事件,该事件是事件总时间序列的一部分. 假日"实例的重复模式是一个持续的概念,称为假日",不能被解释为时间序列或事件.

The endurant concept of the measured periodicity of an event cannot be modeled with TemporalSeq aggregation and seem to extend outside of TemporalThing completely. Your reference paper uses holiday as an example and I actually have a problem with modelling "Holiday" as a recurring event. "A holiday" is a recurring event in a temporal sequence, but it is also a concept. Every time "a holiday" occurs it is a new event, that event is part of a aggregate temporal sequence of events. The recurrence pattern of the instances of "holiday" is a persistent concept called "Holiday" that cannot be reasoned as a temporal sequence or event.


08-20 12:32