


  DECLARE @DeadDesigns AS TABLE(LegacyKey INT,DesignKey INT,状态键INT,DesignGroupId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)插入@DeadDesigns从项目AS P中选择[P].[LegacyKey],[D] .DesignKey,[D].[StatusKey],[D].[DesignGroupId]内联接DesignGroup AS DG ON P.ProjectKey = DG.ProjectKeyDG.DesignGroupId = D.DesignGroupId的内部联接设计在[D].[StatusKey] = 67 --DEAD的位置;与CTE2(LegacyKey,DesignKey,StatusKey,DesignGroupId,RN)AS(SELECT LegacyKey,DesignKey,StatusKey,DesignGroupId,ROW_NUMBER()超过(PARTITION由[LegacyKey],[DesignGroupId]或ORDER BY [DesignGroupId])作为RN来自@DeadDesignsGROUP BY [DesignGroupId],[LegacyKey],DesignKey,StatusKey)选择*从CTE2 


一个 LegacyKey 可以具有多个 DesignGroupId ,一个 DesignGroupId 可以具有多个 DesignKey

目标是获取与项目分开的每个 DesignGroupId 的最后一个 DesignKey


  + ----------- + ----------- + ----------- + -------------------------------------- + ---- +|LegacyKey |DesignKey |状态KEy |DesignGroupId |RN |+ ----------- + ----------- + ----------- + -------------------------------------- + ---- +|14002 |2416 |67 |1A07C80E-E5E2-45F0-A5D2-419BAF3DC106 |1 ||14002 |2819 |70 |1A07C80E-E5E2-45F0-A5D2-419BAF3DC106 |2 |+ ----------- + ----------- + ----------- + -------------------------------------- + ---- + 



我想用 DesignGroupId 分隔它,所以如果有两个不同的 DesignGroupId 并且它是相同的 LegacyKey RN 如果我们有3个 DesignGroupId 但第二行的相同 LegacyKey RN ,则第二行的应该为3,依此类推.最后,我想获取每个 LegacyKey

中每个 DesignGroupId 中的所有最后一个 DesignKey



  + ----------- + ----------- + ----------- + -------------------------------------- + ---- +|LegacyKey |DesignKey |状态KEy |DesignGroupId |RN |+ ----------- + ----------- + ----------- + -------------------------------------- + ---- +|18288 |3974 |63 |F18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |1 ||18288 |4096 |107 |F18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |2 ||18288 |7224 |66 |F18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |3 ||18288 |4842 |66 |A18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |1 ||18289 |7325 |66 |90C224D9-2514-4294-8DEC-D3EE16EC2D00 |1 ||18289 |3975 |63 |90C224D9-2514-4294-8DEC-D3EE16EC2D00 |2 |+ ----------- + ----------- + ----------- + -------------------------------------- + ---- + 

在这种情况下,我有两个不同的 LegacyKey ,但结果是错误的,因为它返回了同一 DesignGroupId 的所有 RN ,而我只想要最后一个.期望的结果是:

  + ----------- + ----------- + ----------- + -------------------------------------- + ---- +|LegacyKey |DesignKey |状态KEy |DesignGroupId |RN |+ ----------- + ----------- + ----------- + -------------------------------------- + ---- +|18288 |7224 |66 |F18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |3 ||18288 |4842 |66 |A18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |1 ||18289 |3975 |63 |90C224D9-2514-4294-8DEC-D3EE16EC2D00 |2 |+ ----------- + ----------- + ----------- + -------------------------------------- + ---- + 

您可以看到我得到了 DesignGroupId 的最后一个 RN ,但是它们位于相同的 LegacyKey


我不希望子查询中出现 GROUP BY .我希望在外部查询中进行过滤:

 与CTE2(LegacyKey,DesignKey,StatusKey,DesignGroupId,RN)AS(SELECT LegacyKey,DesignKey,StatusKey,DesignGroupId,ROW_NUMBER()超过(按[LegacyKey],[DesignGroupId],[DesignGroupId] DESC排序的序列)AS序列号来自@DeadDesigns)选择 *来自CTE2WHERE seqnum = 1; 

请注意,我已将 ORDER BY 更改为 DESC ,这在您需要最后"或最新"的东西时很常见.

I have a query like this:

 LegacyKey INT
,DesignKey INT
,StatusKey INT
INSERT INTO @DeadDesigns
SELECT [P].[LegacyKey],[D].DesignKey, [D].[StatusKey], [D].[DesignGroupId] FROM Project AS P
INNER JOIN DesignGroup AS DG ON P.ProjectKey = DG.ProjectKey
INNER JOIN Design AS D ON DG.DesignGroupId  = D.DesignGroupId
WHERE [D].[StatusKey] = 67 --DEAD

;WITH CTE2 (LegacyKey, DesignKey, StatusKey, DesignGroupId, RN) AS (
SELECT LegacyKey, DesignKey, StatusKey, DesignGroupId,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [LegacyKey], [DesignGroupId] ORDER BY [DesignGroupId]) AS RN
FROM @DeadDesigns
    GROUP BY [DesignGroupId],[LegacyKey],DesignKey,StatusKey

Structure is:

One LegacyKey can have multiple DesignGroupId and one DesignGroupId can have multiple DesignKey

Objective is to get last DesignKey of each DesignGroupId separated from project

Wrong result:

| LegacyKey | DesignKey | StatusKEy |            DesignGroupId             | RN |
|     14002 |      2416 |        67 | 1A07C80E-E5E2-45F0-A5D2-419BAF3DC106 |  1 |
|     14002 |      2819 |        70 | 1A07C80E-E5E2-45F0-A5D2-419BAF3DC106 |  2 |

This is wrong because it is the same DesignGroupId, if that DesignGroupId was different result was correct.

Detailed desire result:

I want to separate it by DesignGroupId so if have two different DesignGroupId and it's the same LegacyKey RN of second row should be 2.. if we have 3 DesignGroupId but same LegacyKey RN of second row should be 3 and so on. At the end I want to get ALL last DesignKey inside each DesignGroupId inside each LegacyKey

What am I doing wrong?

Another example

| LegacyKey | DesignKey | StatusKEy |            DesignGroupId             | RN |
|     18288 |      3974 |        63 | F18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |  1 |
|     18288 |      4096 |       107 | F18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |  2 |
|     18288 |      7224 |        66 | F18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |  3 |
|     18288 |      4842 |        66 | A18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |  1 |
|     18289 |      7325 |        66 | 90C224D9-2514-4294-8DEC-D3EE16EC2D00 |  1 |
|     18289 |      3975 |        63 | 90C224D9-2514-4294-8DEC-D3EE16EC2D00 |  2 |

In this case I have two different LegacyKey but result is wrong because it returns all RN of same DesignGroupId and I only want last one. Desire result is:

| LegacyKey | DesignKey | StatusKEy |            DesignGroupId             | RN |
|     18288 |      7224 |        66 | F18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |  3 |
|     18288 |      4842 |        66 | A18320D8-C7A8-4A2A-AFDE-38A483C24E81 |  1 |
|     18289 |      3975 |        63 | 90C224D9-2514-4294-8DEC-D3EE16EC2D00 |  2 |

As you can see I get last RN of DesignGroupId, but they are in the same LegacyKey


I would not expect a GROUP BY in the subquery. And I would expect filtering in the outer query:

WITH CTE2 (LegacyKey, DesignKey, StatusKey, DesignGroupId, RN) AS (
      SELECT LegacyKey, DesignKey, StatusKey, DesignGroupId,
             ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [LegacyKey], [DesignGroupId] ORDER BY [DesignGroupId] DESC) AS seqnum
      FROM @DeadDesigns
WHERE seqnum = 1;

Note that I changed the ORDER BY to DESC -- that is typical when you want the "last" or "most recent" of something.


07-10 10:01