



让我们说我的代码库已经达到了合理的单元测试覆盖率. (超过某个点,扩大覆盖范围并没有良好的投资回报率.)

Let's say that I've got my code base to as high a degree of unit test coverage as makes sense. (Beyond a certain point, increasing coverage doesn't have a good ROI.)

下一步,我要测试性能.对代码进行基准测试,以确保新提交不会不必要地降低速度. Safari的零容忍政策引起了提交速度的降低,对此我很感兴趣.我不确定大多数项目的速度承诺是否具有良好的投资回报率,但我至少希望得到有关速度退化已发生的警报,并能够对此做出判断.

Next I want to test performance. To benchmark code to make sure that new commits aren't slowing things down needlessly. I was very intrigued by Safari's zero tolerance policy for slowdowns from commits. I'm not sure that level of commitment to speed has a good ROI for most projects, but I'd at least like to be alerted that a speed regression has happened, and be able to make a judgment call about it.

环境是Linux上的Python,对于BASH脚本也可行的建议会让我非常高兴. (但是Python是主要焦点.)

Environment is Python on Linux, and a suggestion that was also workable for BASH scripts would make me very happy. (But Python is the main focus.)



You will want to do performance testing at a system level if possible - test your application as a whole, in context, with data and behaviour as close to production use as possible.


This is not easy, and it will be even harder to automate it and get consistent results.


Moreover, you can't use a VM for performance testing (unless your production environment runs in VMs, and even then, you'd need to run the VM on a host with nothing else on).


When you say doing performance unit-testing, that may be valuable, but only if it is being used to diagnose a problem which really exists at a system level (not just in the developer's head).


Also, performance of units in unit testing sometimes fails to reflect their performance in-context, so it may not be useful at all.


07-23 00:42