我想了解AWS EC2 CLI调用。我期待来形容的自定义标签(vpcname = myvpc所有VPC那么文件管理器,但尝试多种组合,我不断收到有关格式和使用--filters相互矛盾的误差之后,使用作为参考[
I am trying to understand a aws ec2 cli call. I am looking to describe all VPC then filer on a custom tag (vpcname=myvpc, however after trying multiple combinations I keep getting conflicting errors about the format and use of --filters. using as a reference [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/ec2/describe-vpcs.html][1]
AWS --profile我的资料--region欧盟 - 西1 EC2描述,VPCS --filters vpcname,myvpc
Error parsing parameter '--filters': should be: Key value pairs, where values are separated by commas, and multiple pairs are separated by spaces.
--filters Name=string1,Values=string1,string2 Name=string1,Values=string1,string2
AWS --profile我的资料--region欧盟 - 西1 EC2描述,VPCS --filters 名称= vpcname,值= myvpc
A client error (InvalidParameterValue) occurred when calling the DescribeVpcs operation: The filter 'vpcname' is invalid
so trying a few other combinations
aws --profile myProfile --region eu-west-1 ec2 describe-vpcs --filters tag :Name=vpcname,Values=myvpc
Error parsing parameter '--filters': should be: Key value pairs, where values are separated by commas, and multiple pairs are separated by spaces.
--filters Name=string1,Values=string1,string2 Name=string1,Values=string1,string2
Any advice on how I format this request?
您有pretty的接近解决它 - 唯一的问题是,你是不是指定的。这里的过滤器,这将是有关你的使用情况:
You got pretty close to solving it -- the only problem is that you are not specifying a valid filter for describe-vpcs. Here's the filter that would be relevant to your use case:
tag:key=*value* - The key/value combination of a tag assigned to the resource.
因此,当它被要求名称=字符串1,值=字符串1 ...
- 名称=标签:标签名
- 值= TagValue
Try this instead, works for me locally with a different custom tag:
aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=tag:vpcname,Values=myvpc