

我正在尝试创建一个场景,其中 enum类A 中的枚举常量具有关联的 enum类B enum类C 包含自己的常量.枚举类B 枚举类C 中的常量对 enum类D 中的常量子集进行分组.以下是我想要达到的基本目的:

I am trying to create a scenario where by an enum constant in enum class A has associated sub enum class B and enum class C containing their own constants. The constants in enum class B and enum class C group subsets of constants from enum class D. Below is a basically what I am trying to achieve:

enum A {
    CONST_1 ("const_1", B), // B is the associated enum
    CONST_2 ("const_2", C); // C in the associated enum

    private final String strVal;
    private final Enum associatedEnum;

    private A (String strVal, Enum associatedEnum) {
        this.strVal = strVal;
        this.associatedEnum = associatedEnum;

    public Enum getAssociatedEnum() {
        return this.associatedEnum;

    public String toString() {
        return this.strVal;

    // Associated Enum contained subset of grouped constants
    enum B {
        CONST_3 (D.CONST_7.toString()),
        CONST_4 (D.CONST_8.toString());

        private final String strVal;

        private B (String strVal) {
            this.strVal = strVal;

        public String toString() {
            return this.strVal;

    // Associated Enum contained subset of grouped constants
    enum C {
        CONST_5 (D.CONST_9.toString()),
        CONST_6 (D.CONST_10.toString());

        private final String strVal;

        private C (String strVal) {
            this.strVal = strVal;

        public String toString() {
            return this.strVal;

// Separate Enum containing all ungrouped constants
enum D {
    CONST_7 ("const_7"),
    CONST_8 ("const_8");
    CONST_9 ("const_9"),
    CONST_10 ("const_10");

    private final String strVal;

    private D (String strVal) {
        this.strVal = strVal;

    public String toString() {
        return this.strVal;


Obviously this syntax doesn't work OOTB because you cannot pass classes in Java this way. But can anyone suggest a way in which I could achieve this?


I am hoping to use it to validate static structured groupings in a client-side application.



This should hopefully do what you want. I've included an example usage where it'll list the sub enum type values.

package a.b.c;

public class EnumsTest {

  public enum A {
    A1( B.class ),
    A2( C.class );

    private final Class<? extends Enum<?>> enumClazz;

    A( final Class<? extends Enum<?>> enumClazz  ) {
      this.enumClazz = enumClazz;

    public Enum<?>[] getSubEnumConstants() {
      return enumClazz.getEnumConstants();

    * @param value
    * @return Never null
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException To be consistent with Enum.valueOf()
   public <T> Enum<?> valueOfSubEnum( final String value ) throws IllegalArgumentException {
     for( Enum<?> enumInstance : getSubEnumConstants() ) {
       if( enumInstance.name().equals( value ) ) {
         return enumInstance;
     throw new IllegalArgumentException( "valueOf for " + enumClazz.getName() + " could not be resoled with the value of " + value );


  public enum B {

  public enum C {

  public static void main( String[] args ) {

    for( A a : A.values() ) {
      for( Enum<?> enumInstance : a.getSubEnumConstants() ) {
        System.out.println( a.name() + ":" +  enumInstance.name() );
    Enum<?> valueOfSubEnum = A.A1.valueOfSubEnum( "B2" );
    System.out.println( valueOfSubEnum.name() );


Note: If you want to lock the subtypes down to a specific set, you can make them implement an interface.


08-14 04:44