

您好,我在不同的农场中有2个网站集A和B.我在网站集A中有一个母版页,并且我需要在网站集B中使用相同的母版页,因为用户不希望在进行修改时两次更改母版页.是吗 可能吗?

Hi, I have 2 site collection, A and B, in differents farms. I have a master page in site collection A and I need use the same masterpage in site Collection B, because the user don't want change the masterpage two times when there is a modification. Is it possible?


Other question, if the Sharepoint adminstrator wants to use a pushished page on site collection A inside site collection B, how can I to do? 




> You can use the same masterpage for different site collections. After you make changes then you can publish them to both site collections by uploading to the masterpage gallery.


To push the masterpage to other site collection you can create a design package using design manager



> If you wanted to use the same page in both site collection, you need to copy that page from one site collection to the other site collection. If you make any changes then you need to perform those steps as well.

https://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/101500 /copy-a-page-across-different-site-collections


10-31 09:07